Health, United States is an annual report on trends in health statistics.
Concise Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Fourth Edition
The Violence of Victimhood
We know that violence breeds violence. We need look no further than the wars in the western Balkans, the genocide in Rwanda, or the ongoing crisis in Israel and Palestine. But we don’t know how to deal with the messy moral and political quandaries that result when victims become perpetrators. When the line between guilt and innocence wavers and we are confronted by the suffering of the victim who turns to violence, judgment may give way to moral relativism or liberal tolerance, compassion to a pity that denies culpability. This is the point of departure in The Violence of Victimhood and the impetus for its call for renewed considerations of responsibility, judgment, compassion, and nonviolent politics.
Understanding Adult Survivors of Domestic Violence in Childhood
This book explores the experiences of adult survivors of domestic violence in childhood. The authors draw on many years’ experience at the forefront of the field to bring together current research, best practice guidance for those working with both adults and children, personal testimonies and creative writing from survivors. The book addresses how to work with children exposed to domestic violence to address the issues before they grow up, as well as guidance on working with adult survivors. The personal accounts and poems make real the research and practice guidance.
Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice, Volume 2
Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice, Volume 2 continues a definitive reference series published in association with the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP) and the Society for Occupational Health Psychology (SOHP). The series summarizes state-of-the-art research and practice in the field of occupational health psychology.
Psychological and educational interventions for preventing depression in children and adolescents
Depressive disorder is common and has a major impact on the functioning of young people. The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness of programmes designed to prevent its onset.
We found that, compared with no intervention, psychological depression prevention programmes were effective in preventing depression with a number of studies showing a decrease in episodes of depressive illness over a year. There were some problems with the way the studies were done but despite this the results are encouraging. We found data to support both targeted and universal programmes, which is important as universal programmes are likely to be easier to implement. We recommend that further research be undertaken to identify the most effective programmes and to test these in the real world.
Intellectual Functioning of Individuals with Mental Disorders on Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale –Revised (WAIS –R)
Subjective Well-Being of Retired Teachers: The Role of Psycho-Social Factors
Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health
Handbook of Educational Data Mining
Handbook of Educational Data Mining (EDM) provides a thorough overview of the current state of knowledge in this area. The first part of the book includes nine surveys and tutorials on the principal data mining techniques that have been applied in education. The second part presents a set of 25 case studies that give a rich overview of the problems that EDM has addressed.
Categorical Data Analysis for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Featuring a practical approach with numerous examples, this book focuses on helping the reader develop a conceptual, rather than technical, understanding of categorical methods, making it a much more accessible text than others on the market. The authors cover common categorical analyses and emphasize specific research questions that can be addressed by each analytic procedure so that readers are able to address the research questions they wish to answer.
Psychiatry and Sexual Health: An Integrative Approach
Doctors Mezzich and Hernandez have produced a comprehensive, progressive, and readable volume on a difficult and important topic. The pair headed a work group of international scholars, clinicians, and researchers to develop the Educational Program on Sexual Health. This book is the result of that collaboration. Thorough and weighty, it is neither dull nor deferential to conservative pressure. Recommended for larger academic and public libraries
Group Work Practice to Advance Social Competence: A Specialized Methodology for Social Work
Advancing a practice methodology that specifically targets the socially unskilled, Norma C. Lang provides much-needed guidance to practitioners helping individuals become part of group life. Grounded in extensive practice, Lang’s methodology addresses the special needs and anomalous functioning of individuals who lack the skills to form and use groups. She outlines the unique pregroup processes of socially unskilled populations and provides a methodology for advancing social competence. She also identifies the professional and agency requirements for working with presocial processes. Widely applicable to practice with social work groups, Lang’s method greatly expands the literature on social work theory and practice with individuals and groups.
Measures of Interobserver Agreement and Reliability, Second Edition
Agreement among at least two evaluators is an issue of prime importance to statisticians, clinicians, epidemiologists, psychologists, and many other scientists. Measuring interobserver agreement is a method used to evaluate inconsistencies in findings from different evaluators who collect the same or similar information. Highlighting applications over theory, Measure of Interobserver Agreement provides a comprehensive survey of this method and includes standards and directions on how to run sound reliability and agreement studies in clinical settings and other types of investigations.
Essentials of clinical psychiatry for Sub-Saharan Africa
This book is the culmination of the efforts of some of the most accomplished teachers of psychiatry in Africa and the world. The list of authors reads like the who-is-who in African psychiatry, with all the authors having worked, or currently working in Africa today. The book chapters summarize and highlight personal clinical and teaching experiences, making it a very rich source of knowledge gathered from the early fifties to recent times.
Growing Up Hispanic: Health and Development of Children of Immigrants
This volume is based on presentations and discussions from Penn State University’s National Symposium on Family Issues, “Development of Hispanic Children in Immigrant Families: Challenges and Prospects.” Diverse scholars examine the children’s social ecologies, how families influence children’s adaptation to new environments, the effects of education policies on children’s school experiences, and the roles of health care policies and social services in children’s well-being.
Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media
Thematic essays address selected issues such as human rights media, indigenous peoples’ media, and environmentalist media, and on key concepts widely used in the field such as alternative media, citizens’ media, and community media. The encyclopedia engages with all communication media: broadcasting, print, cinema, the Internet, popular song, street theatre, graffiti, and dance. The entries are designed to be relatively brief with clear, accessible, and current information. Students, researchers, media activisits, and others interested in this field will find this to be a valuable resource.
Handbook of Medical Sociology, Sixth Edition
Traditional Knowledge in Policy and Practice: Approaches to Development and Human Well-being
Traditional knowledge (TK) has contributed immensely to shaping development and human well-being. Its influence spans a variety of sectors, including agriculture, health, education and governance. However, in today’s world, TK is increasingly underrepresented or under-utilized. Further, while the applicability of TK to human and environmental welfare is well-recognized, collated information on how TK contributes to different sectors is not easily accessible.
Encyclopedia of Canadian Social Work
Over five hundred topics important to Canadian social work are covered, written by a highly diverse group of social workers covering all aspects of the field and all areas of the country. Practitioners, policy makers, academics, social advocates, researchers, students, and administrators present a rich overview of the complexity and diversity of social work and social welfare as it exists in Canada.
A Life of Control: Stories of Living with Diabetes
The people who describe their experiences with diabetes range from teenagers to physicians, immigrants, athletes, pregnant women, accountants, a prisoner, and a dairy farmer. They speak of the variety of ways they handle monitoring, diet, insurance coverage, sports, and fashion. Some talk of how they manage to drive trucks for a living or, for recreation, fly airplanes or go spelunking. Many speak frankly of their anxieties and frustrations.
An Introduction to Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics
Engaging Civil Society: Emerging Trends in Democratic Governance
This book attempts to examine the changing roles of civil society in global and national governance. It identifies factors that influence the effectiveness of civil society in promoting democratic governance. It asks: To what extent and how has the global civil society been influencing global governance and democratic change? What have been the patterns of growth of civil society in Asia and Africa including the legal frameworks under which CSOs are established? What are the capacity gaps of the civil society vis-à-vis its assumed roles? What are the mechanisms for the horizontal and vertical accountability of civil society? How and with what effect has civil society been engaged in promoting democratic change and inclusive governance?
Hours of Opportunity, Volume 1
High-quality out-of-school-time (OST) programs have a positive effect on youth development, but many cities have found it difficult to address the challenges of expanding and improving the quality of programs offered to underserved and high-need students. In response, The Wallace Foundation sponsored an initiative to help five cities increase collaboration, access, quality, information sharing, and sustainability in their OST systems. The overall goals of the initiative were to increase access, improve quality, develop information systems for decisionmaking, and plan for financial stability.
Needs Assessment Phase III
This book takes the reader through the process of getting results utilized and then evaluating the needs assessment itself. The authors illuminate the pitfalls to avoid along the way. The text also explains where the techniques best fit into making utilization a reality. Although this book can be used in a stand-alone fashion, it is part of the Needs Assessment KIT—five interrelated and sequenced books that take the reader through the needs assessment process.
Counselling Adolescents: The Proactive Approach for Young People, Third Edition
Cognition, First Edition
Cognitive psychology continues to be a multi-disciplinary field with theoretical and research foci that overlap with virtually every aspect of psychology. In addition, over the past several decades discoveries in neuropsychology and neuroscience have had major impact upon the cognitive psychology, now often incorporated into cognitive neuroscience. Cognition, First Edition incorporates current directions in neuroscience into a modern cognitive psychology textbook without losing the fundamental content of cognitive psychology.
Netnography: Doing Ethnographic Research Online
This exciting new text is the first to explore the discipline of ‘Netnography’ – the conduct of ethnography over the internet – a method specifically designed to study cultures and communities online. For the first time, full procedural guidelines for the accurate and ethical conduct of ethnographic research online are set out, with detailed, step-by-step guidance to thoroughly introduce, explain, and illustrate the method to students and researchers.
Foundations of Psychological Testing
The Third Edition of this text offers a straight forward and clear introduction to the basics of psychological testing as well as to psychometrics and statistics for students new to the field. The authors focus on relating core ideas to practical situations that students will recognize and relate to. They provide a variety of pedagogical tools that promote student understanding of the underlying concepts required to interpret and to use test scores. Primarily concerned with preparing students to become informed consumers and users of tests, the text also features a final section focusing on how tests are utilized in three important settings: education, clinical and counseling practice, and organizations.
The Program Evaluation Standards
The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation ( is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited standards developer, sponsored by 17 North American professional organizations. With oversight from the JCSEE, Yarbrough, Schulha, Hopson, and Caruthers have revised and illustrated this new edition of the Program Evaluation Standards. These thirty standards support the core attributes of evaluation quality: utility, feasibility, propriety, accuracy, and accountability, and provide guidance to anyone interested in planning, implementing, or using program evaluations.
Contemporary Field Social Work: Integrating Field and Classroom Experience
This comprehensive and interactive text rooted in contemporary social work practice provides a lively guide through the curriculum for social work practice learning. Written by three respected social workers with significant teaching, practical, and writing experience, it bridges the gap by offering learning activities that can be worked in both classroom and field settings. Helpful teaching and learning materials for students, field instructors, faculty and staff supervisors can be found throughout, and pointers through the book are useful for group learning as well as for one to one supervision. Topics include ethical dilemmas, multi-cultural practice, evidence and knowledge, making assessments in partnership, making priorities in interventions, working in and with groups and law-informed practice.