Live psychotherapy by video versus in‐person: A meta‐analysis of efficacy and its relationship to types and targets of treatment
Measurement properties of the Dutch–Flemish patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) physical function item bank and instruments: a systematic review
A systematic review and meta-analysis on adoption of WHO-recommended infant feeding practices among HIV positive mothers in Ethiopia
Safety and tolerability of natural and synthetic cannabinoids in adults aged over 50 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Effectiveness of opiate substitution treatment in reducing HIV risk behaviors among African Caribbean and Black people: a systematic review
Diagnostic accuracy of rapid antigen tests for COVID-19 compared to the viral genetic test in adults: a systematic review protocol
Barriers and enablers to the development and implementation of early mobility programs for children in the pediatric intensive care unit: a scoping review protocol
Organizational structures and processes in nurse-led, evidence-based practice projects that result in measurable outcomes: a scoping review protocol
Evidence on definitions, concepts, outcome instruments, and interventions for chronic fatigue in spinal cord injury: a scoping review protocol
Discrete choice experiment to determine preferences of decision-makers in healthcare for different formats of rapid reviews
The effects of exercise and low-calorie diets compared with low-calorie diets alone on health: a protocol for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of controlled clinical trials
Barriers and facilitators to implementing perinatal mental health care in health and social care settings: a systematic review
Supporting smoking cessation and preventing relapse following a stay in a smoke‐free setting: a meta‐analysis and investigation of effective behaviour change techniques
Association of Clinician Diagnostic Performance With Machine Learning–Based Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review
How does cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia work? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediators of change
Prevalence of suicidal ideation and attempted suicide in the general population of Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A systematic review of the effectiveness of machine learning for predicting psychosocial outcomes in acquired brain injury: Which algorithms are used and why?
Candidate Factors Maintaining Social Anxiety in the Context of Psychotic Experiences: A Systematic Review
Obesity and overweight among children and adolescents with bipolar disorder from the general population: A review of the scientific literature and a meta‐analysis
Prevalence and changes in depressive symptoms among postgraduate students: A systematic review and meta‐analysis from 1980 to 2020
Delayed Reward Discounting as a Prognostic Factor for Smoking Cessation Treatment Outcome: A Systematic Review
Effectiveness of Self‐Compassion Related Interventions for Reducing Self‐Criticism: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis
A systematic review of metacognitions in Internet Gaming Disorder and problematic Internet, smartphone, and social networking sites use
Developing Culturally Tailored mHealth Tools to Address Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes Among Black and Latina Women: A Systematic Review
What defines the comprehensive assessment of needs in palliative care? An integrative systematic review
Fatigue in advanced disease associated with palliative care: A systematic review of non-pharmacological treatments
Impact of breastfeeding interventions among United States minority women on breastfeeding outcomes: a systematic review
Knowledge and utilisation of preconception care and associated factors among women in Ethiopia: systematic review and meta-analysis
Locations of Physical Activity: Where Are Children, Adolescents, and Adults Physically Active? A Systematic Review
Cognitive boosting interventions for impulsivity in addiction: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of cognitive training, remediation and pharmacological enhancement
The psychological burden of waiting for procedures and patient‐centred strategies that could support the mental health of wait‐listed patients and caregivers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A scoping review
Systematic Review of the Current Psychosocial Interventions for People with Moderate to Severe Dementia
What is the relationship between people with dementia and their caregiver’s illness perceptions post-diagnosis and the impact on help-seeking behaviour? A systematic review
Web and mobile-based symptom management interventions for physical symptoms of people with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Red Tape, Organizational Performance, and Employee Outcomes: Meta‐analysis, Meta‐regression, and Research Agenda