Positive and Negative Childhood and Adolescent Identity Memories Stemming from One’s Country and Culture-of-origin: A Comparative Narrative Analysis
Influences on Women Counseling Psychology Associate Professors’ Decisions Regarding Pursuit of Full Professorship
Best Practices in the Reporting of Participatory Action Research: Embracing Both the Forest and the Trees 1{Psi}7
Health Related Quality of Life After Percutaneous Coronary Revascularisation in Patients with Previous Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts: A Two-Year Follow Up Study
Quality of Life (QoL) in a Brazilian Sample of Older Adults: The Role of Sociodemographic Variables and Depression Symptoms
Kristina Charrad: Participants or Observers in European Governance? Civil Society Lobbyists from Central and Eastern Europe in Brussels
Colin Rochester, Angela Ellis Paine and Steven Howlett with Meta Zimmeck: Volunteering and Society in the 21st Century
Sociodemographic Variables, Childhood Characteristics, and Family Risk Factors for Homelessness: A "Puerto Rican Paradox?"
"Modeling the racial and ethnic implications of admissions policy changes in the pursuit of tier one status": Correction to Crisp et al. (2010).
How things fall apart: Understanding the nature of internalizing through its relationship with impairment.
The early course of depression: A longitudinal investigation of prodromal symptoms and their relation to the symptomatic course of depressive episodes.
Temperamental emotionality in preschool-aged children and depressive disorders in parents: Associations in a large community sample.
Selective attention to affective stimuli and clinical depression among youths: Role of anxiety and specificity of emotion.
Posttraumatic stress symptoms among National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq: Associations with parenting behaviors and couple adjustment.
Coping and parenting: Mediators of 12-month outcomes of a family group cognitive–behavioral preventive intervention with families of depressed parents.
The alliance in couple therapy: Partner influence, early change, and alliance patterns in a naturalistic sample.
The work experiences of transgender individuals: Negotiating the transition and career decision-making processes.
Therapist multicultural competence, Asian American participants’ cultural values, and counseling process.
Arousing primary vulnerable emotions in the context of unresolved anger: “Speaking about” versus “speaking to”.
Minority stress, perceived bicultural competence, and depressive symptoms among ethnic minority college students.
The existential model of perfectionism and depressive symptoms: A short-term, four-wave longitudinal study.
Should I stay or should I go? Predicting dating relationship stability from four aspects of commitment.
Romantic partners’ individual coping strategies and dyadic coping: Implications for relationship functioning.