Predictors and Correlates of Reduced Frequency or Cessation of Injection Drug Use During a Randomized HIV Prevention Intervention Trial
Treating heavy smokers in primary care with the nicotine nasal spray: randomized placebo-controlled trial
Gray matter volume deficits and correlation with insight and negative symptoms in first-psychotic-episode subjects
Associations between use of cocaine, amphetamines, or psychedelics and psychotic symptoms in a community sample
Health Promotion Practice and the Road Ahead: Addressing Enduring Gaps and Encouraging Greater Practice-to-Research Translation
"I’m wondering if I am completely missing that": Foster care case managers and supervisors report on their IPV training
Retraining attitudes and stereotypes to affect motivation and cognitive capacity under stereotype threat.
For God (or) country: The hydraulic relation between government instability and belief in religious sources of control.
Children’s Exposure to Paternal Imprisonment: Incidence, Evolution, and Correlates among Young Nonmarital Children
Using Common Themes: Cost Effectiveness of Permanent Supported Housing for People with Mental Illness
Effects of worry on physiological and subjective reactivity to emotional stimuli in generalized anxiety disorder and nonanxious control participants.
Affective valence influences participant’s susceptibility to false memories and illusory recollection.
Introduction to Minisymposium: Nonprofit Self-Regulation in Comparative Perspective-Themes and Debates
Building Programmatic Capacity at the Grassroots Level: The Reactions of Local Nonprofit Organizations to Public Participation Geographic Information Systems
Neural Correlates of Affect Processing and Aggression in Methamphetamine Dependence [Original Article]
Neuroanatomical Differences in Toddler Boys With Fragile X Syndrome and Idiopathic Autism [Original Article]
Family-Based Analysis of Genetic Variation Underlying Psychosis-Inducing Effects of Cannabis: Sibling Analysis and Proband Follow-up [Original Article]
Co-Creating a Psychiatric Resident Program with Ethiopians, for Ethiopians, in Ethiopia: The Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry Project (TAAPP) [RESEARCH ARTICLES]
Introduction to the themed issue. Corporate power: Agency, communication, influence and social policy
The Effect of an ”Unsure” Option on Early Childhood Professionals’ Pre- and Post-Training Knowledge Assessments
Evaluation Exemplar: The Critical Importance of Stakeholder Relations in a National, Experimental Abstinence Education Evaluation