Interethnic mating and risk for preterm birth among Arab-American mothers: Evidence from the Arab-American Birth Outcomes Study
Different Outcomes for Different Health Measures in Immigrants: Evidence from a Longitudinal Analysis of the National Population Health Survey (1994–2006)
Environmental and Psychosocial Correlates of Accelerometer-Assessed and Self-Reported Physical Activity in Belgian Adults
The Efficacy of a Social Skills Group Intervention for Improving Social Behaviors in Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
Do High-Functioning People with Autism Spectrum Disorder Spontaneously Use Event Knowledge to Selectively Attend to and Remember Context-Relevant Aspects in Scenes?
Discrepancies Between Academic Achievement and Intellectual Ability in Higher-Functioning School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Personality structure among prisoners: How valid is the five-factor model, and can it offer support for Eysenck’s theory of criminality?
Triply troubled: Criminal behaviour and mental health in a cohort of teenage pregnant substance misusers in treatment
Young serious and vulnerable offenders in the Netherlands: A cohort follow-up study after completion of a PIJ (detention) order
Group psychoeducation for long-term offender patients with schizophrenia: An exploratory randomised controlled trial
Development of Emotion Regulation in Children of Bipolar Parents: Putative Contributions of Socioemotional and Familial Risk Factors
Factors of risk and maintenance for eating disorders: psychometric exploration of the cross-cultural questionnaire (CCQ) across five European countries
The Role of the Mental Health Practitioner in the Assessment and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Chronic Pain
Guidance on the Use of Antidepressants for Depression in Young People: A Survey of the Views of Consultants in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The use of the polygraph in assessing, treating and supervising sex offenders. a practitioner’s guide edited by D. T. Wilcox, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Chichester, 2009. 332 pp. ISBN 987-0-470-74223-5 (Pbk)
Learning from child deaths and serious abuse in Scotland by S. Vincent, Dunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, 2009. 133pp. ISBN 978-1-903765-96-8 (Pbk)
Obstacles for child participation in care and protection cases—why Norwegian social workers find it difficult
The relationship between alcohol problems, perceived risks and attitudes toward alcohol policy in Canada
Framing and the marginalisation of evidence in media reportage of policy debate about alcopops, Australia 2008–2009: Implications for advocacy
Family Connections: An Approach for Strengthening Early Care Systems in Facing Depression and Adversity
Factors Associated With Positive Adjustment in Siblings of Children With Severe Emotional Disturbance: The Role of Family Resources and Community Life