Strategies Used by Community-Based Organizations to Evaluate Their Locally Developed HIV Prevention Interventions: Lessons Learned from the CDC’s Innovative Interventions Project
Preventing AIDS through Live Movement and Sound: Efficacy of a Theater-Based HIV Prevention Intervention Delivered to High-Risk Male Adolescents in Juvenile Justice Settings
Handbook of Social Psychology (5th ed., 2 vols.). Edited by Susan T., Fiske Daniel T., Gilbert and Gardner, Lindzey 2010 Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Context Moderates the Effects of an Expressive Writing Intervention: A Randomized Two-Study Replication and Extension
Introduction to the Special Issue: Neurobiology and Building Interpersonal Systems: Groups, Couples, and Beyond
Grandiose Narcissism Versus Vulnerable Narcissism in Threatening Situations: Emotional Reactions to Achievement Failure and Interpersonal Rejection
An ageing workforce and strategic human resource management: Staffing challenges for social security administrations
The Russian Federation: Confronting the special challenges of ageing and social security policy in an era of demographic crisis
Does family still matter? Public and private transfers in emerging welfare state systems in a comparative perspective
Discerning self-interested behaviour in attitudes towards welfare state responsibilities across Europe
Political Feasibility Analysis of the New Financing Scheme for the National Health Insurance Reform in Taiwan: An Application of Stakeholder Analysis
Parental Reactions to Toddlers’ Negative Emotions and Child Negative Emotionality as Correlates of Problem Behavior at the Age of Three
Does It Matter if Preschool Children and Mothers Discuss Positive vs. Negative Events During Reminiscing? Links with Mother-reported Attachment, Family Emotional Climate, and Socioemotional Development
Emotion Socialization by Mothers and Fathers: Coherence among Behaviors and Associations with Parent Attitudes and Children’s Social Competence
Moral knowledge and responsibilities in evaluation implementation: When critical theory and responsive evaluation collide
Critical development? Using a critical theory lens to examine the current role of evaluation in the youth-development field
Falling forward: Lessons learned from critical reflection on an evaluation process with a prisoner reentry program
Does symptom reduction after cognitive behavioural therapy of anxiety disordered patients predict personality change?
From science to services: Developing a neuroscience-based innovative clinical treatment model to manage severe and repetitive self-harm in a 60-year-old woman with severe personality disorders
Deployment experiences and postdeployment PTSD symptoms in national guard/reserve service members serving in operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom
“What did You Say, and Who do You Think You Are?” How Power Differences Affect Emotional Reactions to Prejudice
Multiagency Protocols in Intellectual Disabilities Transition Partnerships: A Survey of Local Authorities in Wales
A Pilot Study Analyzing Mortality of Adults With Developmental Disabilities Residing in Nursing Homes in Connecticut