Moral knowledge and responsibilities in evaluation implementation: When critical theory and responsive evaluation collide
Critical development? Using a critical theory lens to examine the current role of evaluation in the youth-development field
Falling forward: Lessons learned from critical reflection on an evaluation process with a prisoner reentry program
“What did You Say, and Who do You Think You Are?” How Power Differences Affect Emotional Reactions to Prejudice
Deployment experiences and postdeployment PTSD symptoms in national guard/reserve service members serving in operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom
A Pilot Study Analyzing Mortality of Adults With Developmental Disabilities Residing in Nursing Homes in Connecticut
Developing a Health Surveillance System for People With Intellectual Disabilities in the United States
Multiagency Protocols in Intellectual Disabilities Transition Partnerships: A Survey of Local Authorities in Wales
A survey of staff attitudes and responses to people with dementia who are aggressive in residential care settings
The implementation of a self-administration of medication programmes within Older Persons Mental Health
Supporting mental health nurses to address the physical health needs of people with serious mental illness in acute inpatient care settings
Reducing Interparental Conflict Among Parents in Contentious Child Custody Disputes: An Initial Investigation of the Working Together Program
The effects of meeting a family therapy supervision team on client satisfaction in an initial session
Experiences of supervising postgraduate community psychology students at Wits university, South Africa
Mediating between international knowledge and local knowledge: The critical role of local field officers in an HIV prevention intervention
Stories as indicators of practical knowledge: Analysing project workers’ talk from a study of participation in a youth inclusion programme
The impact of resource constraints on the psychological well-being of survivors of intimate partner violence over time
Post-adoption contact, adoption communicative openness, and satisfaction with contact as predictors of externalizing behavior in adolescence and emerging adulthood
Young people’s risk of suicide attempts in relation to parental death: A population-based register study
Parent ratings of executive functioning in children adopted from psychosocially depriving institutions
Changes of orexin A plasma levels in girls with anorexia nervosa during eight weeks of realimentation