Yet another dark side of chivalry: Benevolent sexism undermines and hostile sexism motivates collective action for social change.
The equivalence of regression models using difference scores and models using separate scores for each informant: Implications for the study of informant discrepancies
Psychometric properties of reverse-scored items on the CES-D in a sample of ethnically diverse older adults
Development of a Parent-Report Cognitive Function Item Bank Using Item Response Theory and Exploration of its Clinical Utility in Computerized Adaptive Testing
Antecedents of team potency and team effectiveness: An examination of goal and process clarity and servant leadership
Case Series of Behavioral Psychotherapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Youth with Prader-Willi Syndrome
Trajectories of Symptom Reduction During Treatment for Behavior Problems in Pediatric Primary-Care Settings
Job Resources and Matching Active Coping Styles as Moderators of the Longitudinal Relation Between Job Demands and Job Strain
A Comparison of Invalidating Family Environment Characteristics Between University Students Engaging in Self-Injurious Thoughts & Actions and Non-Self-Injuring University Students
The Interaction Between Culture, Health and Psychological Well-Being: Data Mining from the Italian Culture and Well-Being Project
Associations Between Syntax and the Lexicon Among Children With or Without ASD and Language Impairment
Mother and Child Depressive Symptoms in Youth with Spina Bifida: Additive, Moderator, and Mediator Models
Treating Rural Pediatric Obesity through Telemedicine: Baseline Data from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Interventions for families victimized by child sexual abuse: Clinical issues and approaches for child advocacy center-based services
"Does That Make me a Woman?": Breast Cancer, Mastectomy, and Breast Reconstruction Decisions Among Sexual Minority Women
Employing a teen advisory board to adapt an evidence-based HIV/STD intervention for incarcerated African-American adolescent women
Putting the Lasts First: The Case for Community-Focused and Peer-Managed NGO Accountability Mechanisms
The development of two postnatal health instruments: one for mothers (M-PHI) and one for fathers (F-PHI) to measure health during the first year of parenting
Perception of need and barriers to access: the mental health needs of young people attending a Youth Offending Team in the UK
A narrative review of studies of refusal of psychotropic medication in acute inpatient psychiatric care
Understanding the diverse health needs of Chinese people in Britain and developing cultural sensitive services
Changes in spirituality partly explain health-related quality of life outcomes after Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Welfare Policies and Adolescents: Exploring the Roles of Sibling Care, Maternal Work Schedules, and Economic Resources
Potential benefits of health information technology for integrating physical and behavioral health care: perinatal depression as a case-in-point
Factors Associated with Intention to Conceive and its Communication to Providers Among HIV Clients in Uganda