The Significance of Strategic Community Engagement in Recruiting African American Youth & Families for Clinical Research
Racial Differences in Satisfaction with Mental Health Services Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
Social Cognition in Schizophrenia, Part 2: 12-Month Stability and Prediction of Functional Outcome in First-Episode Patients
Evidence-based practice in school substance use prevention: fidelity of implementation under real-world conditions
The Unwanted Service Provider: Implementation of WTO and EU Liberalisation of Service Mobility in the Dutch Legal Order
‘Time for a Fresh Start’, but is this it? A Critical Assessment of The Report of the Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial Behaviour
Book Review: Social Equity and Public Administration: Origins, Developments, and Applications, by Triparna Vasavada
Links between maternal postpartum depressive symptoms, maternal distress, infant gender and sensitivity in a high-risk population
Assessing Resilience Across Cultures Using Mixed Methods: Construction of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure
"Learning to Become a Family Caregiver" Efficacy of an Intervention Program for Caregivers Following Diagnosis of Dementia in a Relative
Do behavioural health intentions engender health behaviour change? A study on the moderating role of self-affirmation on actual fruit intake versus vegetable intake
Prevalence and Correlates of Eating Disorders in Adolescents: Results From the National Comorbidity Survey Replication Adolescent Supplement [Original Article]
The association of preterm birth and small birthweight for gestational age on childhood disability screening using the Ten Questions Plus tool in rural Sarlahi district, southern Nepal
Pathways to child and adolescent psychiatric clinics: a multilevel study of the significance of ethnicity and neighbourhood social characteristics on source of referral.
Does readiness to change predict in-session motivational language? Correspondence between two conceptualizations of client motivation
Patients receiving opiate substitution have elevated mortality risks at the start and end of treatment
Attachment insecurities and the processing of threat-related information: Studying the schemas involved in insecure people’s coping strategies.
Integrating to learn and learning to integrate: A case study of an online master’s program on science-mathematics integration for middle school teachers
Yet another dark side of chivalry: Benevolent sexism undermines and hostile sexism motivates collective action for social change.