The direct and interactive effects of neuroticism and life stress on the severity and longitudinal course of depressive symptoms.
The predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth in secondary educational settings.
Psychopathic traits from the perspective of self and informant reports: Is there evidence for a lack of insight?
Goal adjustment capacities, coping, and subjective well-being: The sample case of caregiving for a family member with mental illness.
Externalizing psychopathology and behavioral disinhibition: Working memory mediates signal discriminability and reinforcement moderates response bias in approach–avoidance learning.
Specific Reading Difficulties in Chinese, English, or Both: Longitudinal Markers of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and RAN in Hong Kong Chinese Children
In the worst rather than the best of times: Effects of salient intergroup ideology in threatening intergroup interactions.
Links Between Adolescent Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Adolescent and Parent Characteristics
Translating Research to Practice: Using the RE-AIM Framework to Examine an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Intervention in Primary School Settings
A preliminary study on the attitude of the Japanese public towards creative artwork by people with mental illness
Perceptions of Mental Health and Help-Seeking Behavior in an Urban Community in Vietnam: An Explorative Study
“High Five to Healthy Living”: A Health Intervention Program for Youth at an Inner City Community Center
Can Developmental Changes in Inhibition and Peer Relationships Explain Why Depressive Symptoms Increase in Early Adolescence?
Do Motivations for Malingering Matter? Symptoms of Malingered PTSD as a Function of Motivation and Trauma Type
Self-concept and psychopathology in deaf adolescents: preliminary support for moderating effects of deafness-related characteristics and peer problems
Effectiveness of a computer-tailored print-based physical activity intervention among French Canadians with type 2 diabetes in a real-life setting
Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences: A Multi-method Analysis of LGBT Marches on Washington
‘The terrorist in my home’: teenagers’ violence towards parents – constructions of parent experiences in public online message boards