The Practice and Ethics of Animal-Assisted Therapy with Children and Young People: Is It Enough that We Don’t Eat Our Co-Workers?
Cognitive Motivations of Free Riding and Cooperation and Impaired Strategic Decision Making in Schizophrenia During a Public Goods Game
Communication strategies for enhancing understanding of the behavioral implications of genetic and biomarker tests for disease risk: The role of coherence
An Intervention to Help Community-Based Organizations Implement an Evidence-Based HIV Prevention Intervention: The Mpowerment Project Technology Exchange System
Using the Health Belief Model to Predict Injecting Drug Users’ Intentions to Employ Harm Reduction Strategies
Encounters with Boundary Challenges: A Preliminary Model of Experienced Psychotherapists’ Working Strategies
From personal tragedy to personal challenge: responses to stigma among sober living home residents and operators
Subjective Indicators of Personal Well-Being among Adolescents. Performance and Results for Different Scales in Latin-Language Speaking Countries: A Contribution to the International Debate
Prevalence and Comorbidity of Prolonged Grief Disorder in a Sample of Caregivers of Patients in a Vegetative State
Patients Who Attend the Emergency Department Following Medication Overdose: Self-reported Mental Health History and Intended Outcomes of Overdose
Clinical Intuition: A Qualitative Study of Its Use and Experience Among Marriage and Family Therapists
Parental Coping with Developmental Disorders in Adolescents within the Ultraorthodox Jewish Community in Israel
Music and Video as Distractors for Boys with ADHD in the Classroom: Comparison with Controls, Individual Differences, and Medication Effects
Does the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption Adequately Protect Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and Their Families?
A Nutritional Intervention to Reduce the Calorie Content of Meals Served at Psychiatric Rehabilitation Programs
Qualitative Research for and in Practice: Findings from Studies with Homeless Adults Who Have Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse
Association between participant-identified problems and depression severity in problem-solving therapy for low-income homebound older adults.
Treating Traumatic Memories in Rwanda With the Rewind Technique: Two-Week Follow-Up After a Single Group Session
Human Trafficking as a Lever for Feminist Voices? Transformations of the Danish Policy Field of Prostitution
A psycho-educational intervention focused on communication for caregivers of a family member in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease: Results of an experimental study
Seizing Interdisciplinary Opportunities in the Changing Landscape of Health and Aging: A Social Work Perspective
How Hollow Can We Go? A Case Study of the Florida’s Efforts to Outsource Oversight of Privatized Child Welfare Services
Does Self-Esteem Mediate the Relationship between Interpersonal Problems and Symptoms of Disordered Eating?
Considerations of culture and social class for families facing cancer: The need for a new model for health promotion and psychosocial intervention.
Group music therapy for patients with persistent post-traumatic stress disorder – an exploratory randomized controlled trial with mixed methods evaluation