The Role of Perfectionism in Relation to an Intervention to Reduce Anxious and Depressive Symptoms in Children
Applicability of two brief evidence-based interventions to improve sleep quality in inpatient mental health care
Better theory-of-mind skills in children hearing voices mitigate the risk of secondary delusion formation
Displays of inappropriate sexual behaviour by patients with progressive cognitive impairment: the forgotten form of challenging behaviour?
Welfarism and the multidimensionality of welfare state legitimacy: evidence from The Netherlands, 2006
Subjective Wellbeing and its Influence on Consumer Sentiment Towards Marketing: A New Zealand Example
Understanding How Race/Ethnicity and Gender Define Age-Trajectories of Disability:An Intersectionality Approach
Validating the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire in Dutch children: Psychometric properties and a cross-cultural comparison of factor structures.
Developing Skills in Providing Outreach Programs: Construction and Use of the POSE (Performance of Outreach Skills Evaluation) Rubric
Involuntary hospitalization of first-episode psychosis with substance abuse during a 2-year follow-up
Healthy Weight Advantage Lost in One Generation Among Immigrant Elementary Schoolchildren in Multi-Ethnic, Disadvantaged, Inner-City Neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada
Migrating from a legacy fixed-format measure to CAT administration: calibrating the PHQ-9 to the PROMIS depression measures
The contribution of a social enterprise to the building of social capital in a disadvantaged urban area of London
Correspondence and disparity in the self- and other ratings of current and childhood ADHD symptoms and impairment in adults with ADHD.
Neighborhood Deprivation and Psychiatric Medication Prescription: A Swedish National Multilevel Study
Making Sense, Making Good, or Making Meaning? Cognitive Distortions as Targets of Change in Offender Treatment
Subpopulations of Illicit Drug Users Reached by Targeted Street Outreach and Respondent-Driven Sampling Strategies: Implications for Research and Public Health Practice
A psychometric analysis of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children–Parent Version in a school sample.
The modeling of internalizing disorders on the basis of patterns of lifetime comorbidity: Associations with psychosocial functioning and psychiatric disorders among first-degree relatives.
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Turkish Women Attending a Maternity and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic
“Whoa! They Could’ve Arrested Me!”: Unsuccessful Identity Claims of Women During Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence
The direct and interactive effects of neuroticism and life stress on the severity and longitudinal course of depressive symptoms.