HIV Prevalence Estimates and Alignment Among Recent Diagnoses, Targeted Tests, and Prevention Services by Demographic and Racial/Ethnic Group in Wisconsin
Introduction to Special Supplement: Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV Counseling, Testing and Referral (CTR) and HIV Testing Services
Utilization of HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Vietnam: An Evaluation of 5 Years of Routine Program Data for National Response
Characteristics of First-Time and Repeat HIV Tests Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Who Test at CDC-Supported Sites, 2007
Costs And Effectiveness of Finding New HIV Diagnoses by Using Rapid Testing In Transgender Communities
The development of an adolescent smoking cessation intervention–an Intervention Mapping approach to planning
The effects and costs of a group-based education programme for self-management of patients with Type 2 diabetes. A community-based study
A brief structured education programme enhances self-care practices and improves glycaemic control in Malaysians with poorly controlled diabetes
Using interviews and peer pairs to better understand how school environments affect young children’s playground physical activity levels: a qualitative study
Mothers’ Acceptance-Rejection of Their Children Infected with HIV: The Role of the Mothers’ Social Axioms, Psychological Distress, and Relationships with the Partner
Lack of Gender Influence on Cortical and Subcortical Gray Matter Development in Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia
Odor Hedonic Capacity and Anhedonia in Schizophrenia and Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia Patients
The influence of developmental, education, and mentorship experiences on career paths in cultural psychiatry
Teachers’ feeling of belonging, exhaustion, and job satisfaction: the role of school goal structure and value consonance
The role of coping with social stressors in the development of depressive symptoms: gender differences
Psychophysiological effects of emotional display rules and the moderating role of trait anger in a simulated call center
Association between the Five Factor personality traits and perceived stress: is the effect mediated by general self-efficacy?
Relationship between anxiety and dyspnea on exertion in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A simultaneous test of the relationship between identified psychosocial risk factors and recurrent events in coronary artery disease patients
The effects of perpetrator age and abuse disclosure on the relationship between feelings provoked by child sexual abuse and posttraumatic stress
The Effect of Expectations and Expectancy Confirmation/Disconfirmation on Motorists’ Satisfaction with State Highways
The new development paradigm through the lens of the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme: legitimacy, accountability and the political sphere
A Primer on the Evolution of Therapeutic Engagement in MFT: Understanding and Resolving the Dialectic Tension of Alliance and Neutrality. Part 2Recommendations: Dynamic Neutrality Through Multipartiality and Enactments