Comparison Theory in Economic Psychology Regarding the Easterlin Paradox and Decreasing Marginal Utility: a Critique
Results of a Study to Increase Savoring the Moment: Differential Impact on Positive and Negative Outcomes
I can do it, you can do it: a community development approach to health promotion for individuals with disabilities
On the Relationship Between the Practice of Mindfulness Meditation and Personality—an Exploratory Analysis of the Mediating Role of Mindfulness Skills
Introduction to a special section on implementing evidence-based interventions for substance use disorders.
The role of parenting and personal characteristics on deviant peer association among European American and Latino adolescents
Applied Behavior Analysis Programs for Autism: Sibling Psychosocial Adjustment During and Following Intervention Use
Psychosocial Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Exposure in Maltreated Adolescents: Assessing More than IPV Occurrence
A Comparison of the Lifetime Economic Prospects of Women Informal Carers and Non-carers, Australia, 2007
Internalized weight bias in obese patients with binge eating disorder: Associations with eating disturbances and psychological functioning
Adult protection: The processes and outcomes of adult protection referrals in two English local authorities
Computer-Based Information Systems and Human Service Organisations: Emerging Problems and Future Possibilities
Attachment behavior and mother-child conversations as predictors of attachment representations in middle childhood: A longitudinal study
Going to the Courts Twice: A Critical Appraisal of the UK’s Policy of Re-adoption for Intercountry Adoptions
Ironic Effects of Dietary Supplementation: Illusory Invulnerability Created by Taking Dietary Supplements Licenses Health-Risk Behaviors
New tools for an old trade: a socio-technical appraisal of how electronic decision support is used by primary care practitioners
Sex Trafficking or Sex Work? Conceptions of Trafficking Among Anti-Trafficking Organizations in Nepal
The Pervasiveness, Connectedness, and Intrusiveness of Social Network Site Use Among Young Adolescents
Civic Engagement and Internet Use in Local Governance: Hierarchical Linear Models for Understanding the Role of Local Community Groups
Do callous-unemotional traits moderate the relative importance of parental coercion versus warmth in child conduct problems? An observational study
Beyond conventional socioeconomic status: examining subjective and objective social status with self-reported health among Asian immigrants