Association of Experiences of Medical Home Quality with Health-Related Quality of Life and School Engagement among Latino Children in Low-Income Families
International Comparability of Patient Safety Indicators in 15 OECD Member Countries: A Methodological Approach of Adjustment by Secondary Diagnoses
Provision of Fluoride Varnish to Medicaid-Enrolled Children by Physicians: The Massachusetts Experience
Mixed Methods for the Interpretation of Longitudinal Gerontologic Data: Insights From Philosophical Hermeneutics
Use of Theoretical Frameworks as a Pragmatic Guide for Mixed Methods Studies: A Methodological Necessity?
The Co-occurrence of Reading Disorder and ADHD: Epidemiology, Treatment, Psychosocial Impact, and Economic Burden
Families, Neighborhood Socio-Demographic Factors, and Violent Behaviors among Latino, White, and Black Adolescents
Behavioral Norms, Moral Judgments, and Social Approval of Participant Roles in School Bullying in a Singapore Sample
Reputation Enhancement and School Delinquency: A Prospective Study using the National Educational Longitudinal Survey [NELS: 88]
Social Science Theories on Adolescent Risk-Taking: The Relevance of Behavioral Inhibition and Activation
Norwegian Child Welfare Services: A Successful Program for Protecting and Supporting Vulnerable Children and Parents?
Confirmation of the Three-Factor Model of Problematic Internet Use on Off-Line Adolescent and Adult Samples
Current and Future Directions in Social Work Research with Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders
Team-based working and employee well-being: A cross-cultural comparison of United Kingdom and Hong Kong health services
Constructing Illness: How the Public in Eight Western Nations Respond to a Clinical Description of "Schizophrenia"
Effects of Pain Controllability and Discrepancy in Social Support on Depressed Mood Among Patients with Chronic Pain
Coping Motives as a Mediator of the Relationship between Sexual Coercion and Problem Drinking in College Students
Ecologically Based, Culturally Concordant Responding Following Disasters: The Counseling Psychologist’s Role
Reliability of Scores on the Manifestation of Symptomatology Scale: A Study With Adolescent Students in an Alternative School Setting
Welfare Caseworker Assessments and Domestic Violence Services: Findings From Administrative Data and Case Narratives
The Dialectical Psychoeducational Workshop (DPEW): The Conceptual Framework and Curriculum for a Preventative Intervention for Males at Risk for IPV
Cerebral palsy registers and high-quality data: an evaluation of completeness of the 4Child register using capture–recapture techniques
Developing a programme for healthy growth and nutrition during infancy: understanding user perspectives
Emotional availability and attachment across generations: variations in patterns associated with infant health risk status
Classification Accuracy of EasyCBM First-Grade Mathematics Measures: Findings and Implications for the Field