Negotiating motherhood and work: a typology of role identity associations among low-income, urban women
Serving men and mothers: workplace practices and workforce composition in two US restaurant chains and states
Ethics and Conduct in Self-directed Groupwork: Some Lessons for the Development of a More Ethical Social Work Practice
Vignette Selection for Ethical Reflections: ; A Selection Procedure for Vignettes to Investigate Staff Reflections on the Ethical Challenges in Interaction with People with Intellectual Disabilities
Intercultural consolidation: exploring the experiences of internationally qualified social workers and the English post-qualifying framework
Approaching drinking problems in single male clients receiving social assistanceAtt bemöta alkoholproblem hos manliga socialbidragsklienter
Participation for children exposed to domestic violence? Social workers’ approaches and children’s strategies
The rights of the child enabling community development to contribute to a valid social work practice with children at riskHvordan kan barns rettigheter løfte frem samfunnsorientert barnevernsarbeid som bidrag til robuste arbeidsmetoder for barn i risiko
The sustainability of low-income homeownership: the incidence of unexpected costs and needed repairs among low-income home buyers
Whistleblowing processes in Swedish public organisations—complaints and consequencesKritikerprocesser i svenska offentliga organisationer—anmälningar och konsekvenser
Housing First: Considering Components for Successful Resettlement of Homeless People with Multiple Needs
Housing Assets as a Potential Solution for Financial Hardship: Households’ Mental Accounts of Housing Wealth in Three European Countries
Power Structures and Privatization across Integrated Rental Markets: Exploring the Cleavage between Typologies of Welfare Regimes and Housing Systems
Analysing Determinants of Foreclosure among High-income African-American and Hispanic Borrowers in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area
Moving Out and Going Down? A Review of Recent Evidence on Negative Spillover Effects of Housing Restructuring Programmes in the United States and the Netherlands
What to do now? Tensions and Dilemmas in Responding to Natural Disasters: A Study of Three Australian State Housing Authorities
Estimating the cost-effectiveness of a classroom-based abstinence and pregnancy avoidance program targeting preadolescent sexual risk behaviors
Lifestyles and routine activities of South African teenagers at risk of being trafficked for involuntary prostitution