Researching the lives of Irish Roman Catholic clergy who have sexually abused minors: Collaborative inquiry
Chinese-Australian Women’s Knowledge, Facilitators and Barriers Related to Cervical Cancer Screening: A Qualitative Study
The relationship between social networks and pathways to kidney transplant parity: Evidence from black Americans in Chicago
Sociodemographic and geographic variability in smoking in the U.S.: A multilevel analysis of the 2006- 2007 Current Population Survey, Tobacco Use Supplement
Promoting mental health nursing: Employing undergraduate nursing students as assistants in mental health
General practitioners, primary care and support for carers in England: can training make a difference?
The validity of subjective quality of life measures in psychotic patients with severe psychopathology and cognitive deficits: an item response model analysis
How Do Therapists Understand Their Client’s Problem and Its Resolution: Objectification in Theories of Change
Voices of Latino parents and teens: Tailored strategies for parent–child communication related to sex
The definition of true orphan prevalence: Trends, contexts and implications for policies and programmes
A randomized controlled trial of home visits by neighborhood mentor mothers to improve children’s nutrition in South Africa
Developmental Transformations: Improvisational Drama Therapy with Children in Acute Inpatient Psychiatry
The Bridge: A Group for Chinese Immigrant Parents Transitioning Their Children to an American Preschool
‘Meeting Face to Face Creates New Insights’: Recruiting Persons with User Experiences as Students in an Educational Programme in Social Work
Integrating Mindfulness and Reflection in the Teaching and Learning of Listening Skills for Undergraduate Social Work Students in Singapore
Symbolic Play of Preschoolers with Severe Communication Impairments with Autism and Other Developmental Delays: More Similarities than Differences
Predictive factors of antiretroviral treatment <4 weeks among HIV-infected pregnant women in Cayenne, French Guiana
Factors associated with health service satisfaction among people living with HIV/AIDS: a cross sectional study at ART center in Chandigarh, India
“The way I see it”: the effect of stigma and depression on self-perceived body image among HIV-positive individuals on treatment in British Columbia, Canada
Utilization of psychiatric services among low-income HIV-infected patients with psychiatric comorbidity
Optimal HAART adherence over time and time interval between successive visits: their association and determinants
The impact of mental health issues, substance use, and exposure to victimization on pregnancy rates among a sample of youth with past-year foster care placement
The Influence of Alcohol-Specific Communication on Adolescent Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Consequences