Distributive sharing among HIV–HCV co-infected injecting drug users: the preventive role of trust in one’s physician
A qualitative study of sexual behavior change and risk compensation following adult male circumcision in urban Swaziland
Perceptions of community- and family-level injection drug user (IDU)- and HIV-related stigma, disclosure decisions and experiences with layered stigma among HIV-positive IDUs in Vietnam
Technical Adequacy of Early Numeracy Curriculum-Based Progress Monitoring Measures for Kindergarten and First-Grade Students
Attitudes of relatives and staff towards family intervention in forensic services using Q methodology
Indices of Socioeconomic Position across the Life Course as Predictors of Coronary Calcification in Black and White Men and Women: Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study
Risk, significance and biomedicalisation of a new population: Older women’s experience of osteoporosis screening
Title: "He’s more typically female because he’s not afraid to cry": Connecting heterosexual gender relations and men’s depression
How Is Health-Related “Deservingness” Reckoned? Perspectives from Unauthorized Im/migrants in Tel Aviv
Criminal Law and Public Health Practice: Are the Canadian HIV Disclosure Laws an Effective HIV Prevention Strategy?
Cross-Language Intrusion Errors in Aging Bilinguals Reveal the Link Between Executive Control and Language Selection
The Jekyll and Hyde of Emotional Intelligence: Emotion-Regulation Knowledge Facilitates Both Prosocial and Interpersonally Deviant Behavior
A Simplified Indicator of Social Well-Being in the United States: Examining the Ecological Impact of Family Formation within a County Level Framework
Parent proxy-reported quality of life for children with cerebral palsy: is it related to parental psychosocial distress?
Predicting alcohol consumption and binge drinking in company employees: An application of planned behaviour and self-determination theories
Dilemmas between law and ethics in Czech social workDilemata mezi právem a etikou v české sociální práci
Pragmatic professionalism: micro-level discourse in social workPragmatisk professionalism: mikropolitiska konstruktioner i socialt arbete
‘Crowding out, crowding in’ ou apenas uma questão de mudança social? Os Apoios financeiros informais em Portugal e na SuéciaCrowding out, crowding in or just a matter of transformation? Informal financial support in Portugal and Sweden‘Crowding out’, ‘crowding in’ eller en fråga om transformation? Om informellt finansiellt stöd i Portugal och Sverige
Early Adolescent Peer Ecologies in Rural Communities: Bullying in Schools That Do and Do not Have a Transition During the Middle Grades
Gender Conceptualizations in Female High School Seniors: Relationships with Global Self-Worth and Multiple Measures of Body Image
Diagnostic Profiles of Civilly Committed Sexual Offenders in Illinois and Other Reporting Jurisdictions: What We Know So Far