Family Structure, Gender, and the Work–Family Interface: Work-to-Family Conflict Among Single and Partnered Parents
What Women Want From Abortion Counseling in the United States: A Qualitative Study of Abortion Patients in 2008
Contextual Sources of Perceived Group Threat: Negative Immigration-Related News Reports, Immigrant Group Size and their Interaction, Spain 1996-2007
Doing More for Less? Developing Sustainable Systems of Social Care in the Context of Climate Change and Public Spending Cuts
Infidelity in Heterosexual Couples: Demographic, Interpersonal, and Personality-Related Predictors of Extradyadic Sex
Tobacco dependence treatment for hospitalized smokers: A randomized, controlled, pilot trial using varenicline
Drinking patterns and risk behaviors associated with combined alcohol and energy drink consumption in college drinkers
The language and policy of care and parenting: understanding the uncertainty about key players’ roles in foster care provision
Teacher and center stability and school readiness among low-income, ethnically diverse children in subsidized, center-based child care
Parent-adolescent concordance on perceived need for mental health services and its impact on service use
Responding to bereavement, grief and loss: Charting the troubled relationship between research and practice in youth offending services
The relation between abuse and violent delinquency: The conversion of shame to blame in juvenile offenders
Bad News and First Impressions: Patient and Family Caregiver Accounts of Learning the Cancer Diagnosis
Individual, Study, and Neighborhood Level Characteristics Associated With Peer Recruitment of Young Illicit Drug Users in the USA: Optimizing Respondent Driven Sampling
Agency versus structure or nature versus nurture: When the new twist on an old debate is not that new after all. A commentary on Angel
Social identities facilitate and encapsulate action-relevant constructs: A test of the social identity model of collective action
“What I wanted to do was…” Discrepancies Between College Women’s Desired and Reported Responses to Gender Prejudice
Sustaining the contemporary cemetery: Implementing policy alongside conflicting perspectives and purpose
The mourners: tomb sculpture from the Court of Burgundy; Arthur Tudor Prince of Wales: life, death and commemoration
Ethically Informed Practice with Families Formed via International Adoption: Linking Care Ethics with Narrative Approaches to Social Welfare Practice
Childbearing motivations, pregnancy desires, and perceived partner response to a pregnancy among urban female youth: does HIV-infection status make a difference?
Changes in Patient Measures as Predictors of Therapists’ Ratings of Treatment Collaboration and Change in Eating Disorder Subgroups
Both Self-Report and Interview-Based Measures of Psychopathy Predict Attention Abnormalities in Criminal Offenders
Defining Dropout from Youth Psychotherapy: How Definitions Shape the Prevalence and Predictors of Attrition
Individual policy preferences for vocational versus academic education: Microlevel evidence for the case of Switzerland
When a Lie Is Not a Lie: Understanding Chinese Working-Class Mothers’ Moral Teaching and Moral Conduct