Factors Associated with Differential Uptake of Seasonal Influenza Immunizations Among Underserved Communities During the 2009–2010 Influenza Season
Health-Related Quality of Life and Adaptive Behaviors of Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease: Stress Processing Moderators
Facebook Tells Me So: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Partner-Monitoring Behavior on Facebook
Conceptualization and Measurement of Criminal Thinking: Initial Validation of the Criminogenic Thinking Profile
Under the Surface: The Dynamic Interpersonal and Affective World of Psychopathic High-Security and Detention Prisoners
Governing With One Hand on the Plow: Adding the Voice of Federal Farmer to the Constitutional School of American Public Administration
Developing and Validating New Concepts and Measures of Program Goal Ambiguity in the U.S. Federal Government
Building Community Capacity to Engage Government: Reflections of Nonprofit Leaders on Post-Katrina New Orleans
Psychological Distress and Subjective Burden of Caregivers of People with Mental Illness: The Role of Affiliate Stigma and Face Concern
Social Determinants and Health Service Use Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities: Findings From a Community Sample
Relationship of External Influence to Parental Distress in Decision Making Regarding Children with a Life-Threatening Illness
Making a home in US rural towns: the significations of home for Chinese immigrants’ work, family, and settlement in local communities
Early Risk Behaviors and Adolescent Injury in 25 European and North American Countries: A Cross-National Consistent Relationship
Intervening Processes in the Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Psychological Symptoms in Urban Youth
Mexican American Birthweight and Child Overweight: Unraveling a Possible Early Life Course Health Transition
Merging Developmental and Criminal Career Perspectives: Implications for Risk Assessment and Risk Prediction of Violent/Sexual Recidivism in Adult Sexual Aggressors of Women
HIV-related risk behaviors among kathoey (male-to-female transgender) sex workers in Bangkok, Thailand
Economic Development Perspectives and the Policy Process: The Case of Railroad Revitalization Versus Rails-to-Trails
Fatigue, Wellbeing and Parental Self-Efficacy in Mothers of Children With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
The impact of the Advancing Social-communication And Play (ASAP) intervention on preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder
Arrests for Child Pornography Production: Data at Two Time Points From a National Sample of U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies
Posttraumatic stress disorder and trauma characteristics are correlates of premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Use of the PedsQL in childhood intermittent exotropia: estimates of feasibility, internal consistency reliability and parent–child agreement
Psychological Contracts and Organizational Identification: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support