Prevalence and Psychosocial Risk Factors Associated with Internet Addiction in a Nationally Representative Sample of College Students in Taiwan
Parental Wealth and Children’s Outcomes over the Life-Course in Brazil: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis.
Predictors of Suicide-Related Hospitalization among U.S. Veterans Receiving Treatment for Comorbid Depression and Substance Dependence
Collaboration on Disaster Prevention Education Curriculum Development project and its implications for social work
“You are Requested to Close an Eye”: Freud’s Seduction Theory and Theory of the Oedipus Complex Revisited
Psychological well-being and risk perceptions of mothers in Kyiv, Ukraine, 19 years after the Chornobyl disaster
Counseling and psychotherapy services in more developed and developing regions in China: A comparative investigation of practitioners and current service delivery
Recidivism in the Child Protection System: Identifying Children at Greatest Risk of Reabuse Among Those Remaining in the Home
The Relationship Between Maladaptive Eating Behaviors and Racial Identity Among African American Women in College
Emotional abuse and emotional neglect subscales of the CTQ: Associations with each other, other measures of psychological maltreatment, and demographic variables
Bridging Critical Feminist Gerontology and Social Work to Interrogate the Narrative on Civic Engagement
The Interplay Between Trust and Control in Governance Processes: A Conceptual and Empirical Investigation
A Reform Less Ordinary? Historical Institutionalism, Punctuated Equilibrium, and Mental Health Care Privatization
Employers’ Experiences and Views of Grow Your Own Social Work Programmes: A Qualitative Interview Study
Identifying and predicting problem behavior trajectories among pre-school children investigated for child abuse and neglect☆
Children exposed to child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: A study of co-occurrence among Hong Kong Chinese families☆
The “New Masculinity”: Addiction Treatment as a Reconstruction of Gender In Puerto Rican Evangelist Street Ministries