Adjusting the Adjusted {chi}2/df Ratio Statistic for Dichotomous Item Response Theory Analyses: Does the Model Fit?
Evaluation of Model Selection Strategies for Cross-Level Two-Way Differential Item Functioning Analysis
On the Relationship Between Differential Item Functioning and Item Difficulty: An Issue of Methods? Item Response Theory Approach to Differential Item Functioning
Level of Consciousness in Dying Patients.: The Role of Palliative Sedation: A Longitudinal Prospective Study
Mild Hypercholesterolemia, Normal Plasma Triglycerides, and Normal Glucose Levels Across Dementia Staging in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Clinical Setting-Based Retrospective Study
Risk factors and posttraumatic stress disorder: are they especially predictive following exposure to less severe stressors?
‘It’s got so politically correct now’: parents’ talk about empowering individuals with learning disabilities
Working after Childbirth: A Lifecourse Transition Analysis of Canadian Women from the 1970s to the 2000s
The Chiampo River 30 Years Later: Long-Term Effects of Environmental Regulations on Social Representations
California’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: The Campaign and its Effects on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Individuals
Examining Communication about Marriage Amendments: Same-Sex Couples and Their Extended Social Networks
Similarities and Differences in the Pursuit of Intimacy among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Individuals: A Personal Projects Analysis
Bringing Baby Home Together: Examining the Impact of a Couple-Focused Intervention on the Dynamics Within Family Play
Parenting Attitudes, Family Environments, Depression, and Anxiety in Caregivers of Maltreated Children
Intergenerational Transmission of Familial Boundary Dissolution: Observations and Psychosocial Outcomes in Adolescence
Concerns related to eating, weight, and shape: Typologies and transitions in men during the college years
Sense of community and depressive symptoms among older earthquake survivors following the 2008 earthquake in Chengdu China
The role of child gender, problem behaviors, and the family environment on maternal depressive symptoms: findings from mothers of substance abusing runaway adolescents
Do primary care psychological therapists ‘think family’? Challenges and opportunities for couple and family therapy in the context of ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ (IAPT) services
What works for whom, where, why, for what, and when? Using evaluation evidence to take action in local contexts