Conceptualising Field Education in the Twenty-First Century: Contradictions, Challenges and Opportunities
The contribution of parent-child interactions to smoking experimentation in adolescence: implications for prevention
Predictors of child protective service contact between birth and age five: An examination of California’s 2002 birth cohort
Reflections on the education and training of mental health staff who work with women who have been sexually abused in childhood
Why Is Facebook So Successful? Psychophysiological Measures Describe a Core Flow State While Using Facebook
Supporting Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder within a Response to Intervention Framework
Dyadic Moderators of the Effectiveness of Problem-Focused and Emotional-Approach Coping Interventions
Implementing an Evidence-Based Parenting Program in Community Agencies: What Helps and What Gets in the Way?
Risk Factors for Liver Disease and Associated Knowledge and Practices Among Mexican Adults in the US and Mexico
Effects of Ostracism and Social Connection-Related Activities on Adolescents’ Motivation to Eat and Energy Intake
Shall I leave or shall we fight? Effects of threatened group-based self-esteem on identity management strategies
Combining routine outcomes measurement and ‘Payment by Results’: will it work and is it worth it? [EDITORIALS]
Cross-Cultural Preferences for Distributive Justice Principles: Resource Type and Uncertainty Management
Sources of somatization: Exploring the roles of insecurity in relationships and styles of anger experience and expression
Dissociation Predicts Poor Response to Dialectial Behavioral Therapy in Female Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder
The Challenge of Activist Coalition Governance: Accommodating Diversity to Create Institutions—An Approach Via the Inter-Relationships Between Action, Project and Instrument