Further Understanding Accountability in Public Organizations: Actionable Knowledge and the Structure-Agency Duality
Cultivating transformative reconciliation and striving for peace: Compassion, confrontation and a new art of integration
‘My life has changed, but his life hasn’t’: Making sense of the gendering of parenthood during the transition to motherhood
Examining the Factor Structure of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in a Multiethnic Sample of Adolescents
The Impact of a School Garden and Cooking Program on Boys’ and Girls’ Fruit and Vegetable Preferences, Taste Rating, and Intake
The Impact of Student Poverty on Science Teaching and Learning: A Cross-National Comparison of the South African Case
Change-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Administration: The Power of Leadership and the Cost of Organizational Politics
Ethnic Variations in the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Psychological Distress Among Latino Adults
Effect of School Racial Composition on Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Adolescence Through Early Adulthood
Perceptual Measurement in Schizophrenia: Promising Electrophysiology and Neuroimaging Paradigms From CNTRICS
HPV Vaccination and the Effect of Information Framing on Intentions and Behaviour: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Moral Norm
Can Hope be Changed in 90 Minutes? Testing the Efficacy of a Single-Session Goal-Pursuit Intervention for College Students
Is There a Difference Between Center and Home Care Providers’ Training, Perceptions, and Practices Related to Obesity Prevention?
Judgments of Sexual Orientation and Masculinity–Femininity Based on Thin Slices of Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Sexual Satisfaction, Relationship Satisfaction, and Health Are Associated with Greater Frequency of Penile–Vaginal Intercourse
Moderating Effects of Aggression on the Associations Between Social Withdrawal Subtypes and Peer Difficulties During Early Adolescence
A Longitudinal Examination of Serious Adolescent Offenders’ Perceptions of Chances for Success and Engagement in Behaviors Accomplishing Goals
Predictors and Outcomes Associated with Trajectories of Revenge Goals from Fourth Grade through Seventh Grade
Parent, Teacher and Student Cross Informant Agreement of Behavioral and Emotional Strengths: Students With and Without Special Education Support
Long-Term Abstinence Following Holotropic Breathwork as Adjunctive Treatment of Substance Use Disorders and Related Psychiatric Comorbidity
The Neuropsychological Underpinnings to Psychopathic Personality Traits in a Nationally Representative and Longitudinal Sample
Stepping down and stepping in: Youth’s perspectives on making the transition from residential treatment to treatment foster care
Exploring the relationship between employment-based social capital, job stress, burnout, and intent to leave among child protection workers: An age-based path analysis model
Race-Specific Associations Between Trauma Cognitions and Symptoms of Alcohol Dependence in Individuals with Comorbid PTSD and Alcohol Dependence
Consuming Male Identities: Masculinities, Gender Relations and Alcohol Consumption in Aotearoa New Zealand
The Relation Between the Protestant Work Ethic and Undergraduate Women’s Perceived Identity Compatibility in Nontraditional Majors
Clinician’s Judgments of the Utility of the DSM-IV and Five-Factor Models for Personality Disordered Patients
Psychopathology, Childhood Trauma, and Personality Traits in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Sisters