On the Operational Validity of Perceptual Peer Delinquency: Exploring Projection and Elements Contained in Perceptions
An Evaluation of the Adults and Children Together (ACT) Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program
What makes African American health disparities newsworthy? An experiment among journalists about story framing
Advancing coalition theory: the effect of coalition factors on community capacity mediated by member engagement
Integrating Geriatrics into Medical School: Student Journaling as an Innovative Strategy for Evaluating Curriculum
False positives or hidden dimensions: what can monetary and multidimensional measurement tell us about child poverty in Vietnam?
Commercial, non-profit and governmental residential elderly care in Flanders: differences in client selection and efficiency?
Validation of the Children’s Beliefs and Intentions to Play with Peers with Disabilities in Middle School Physical Education Scale
Persisting or Withdrawing? An Insight into the Psychosocial Processes Underlying Sustained Engagement
The Wise Thinking and Acting Questionnaire: The Cognitive Facet of Wisdom and its Relation with Memory, Affect, and Hope
Data mining for response shift patterns in multiple sclerosis patients using recursive partitioning tree analysis
How understanding the neurobiology of complex post-traumatic stress disorder can inform clinical practice: a social cognitive and affective neuroscience approach
A naturalistic study of alexithymia among psychiatric outpatients treated in an integrated group therapy program
It’s Not Just the Squeaky Wheels That Need the Oil: Examining Teachers’ Views on the Disparity Between Referral Rates for Students with Internalizing Versus Externalizing Problems
Age Differences in Exposure and Reactivity to Interpersonal Tensions among Black and White Individuals across Adulthood
The Demographic, System, and Psychosocial Origins of Mammographic Screening Disparities: Prediction of Initiation Versus Maintenance Screening Among Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Women
Perspectives on Preventive Health Care and Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening Among Iraqi Women Refugees
Supporting Latino Communities’ Natural Helpers: A Case Study of Promotoras in a Research Capacity Building Course
Intolerance of Uncertainty Moderates the Relationship Between Catastrophic Health Appraisals and Health Anxiety
A State Agency–University Partnership for Translational Research and the Dissemination of Evidence-Based Prevention and Intervention
Segmentation and Communications to Solve the Blood Shortage: An Exploration of the Problem with Recommendations
A Focus Group Study of Predictors of Relapse in Electronic Gaming Machine Problem Gambling, Part 1: Factors that ‘Push’ Towards Relapse
Probabilistic Linkage of Assisted Reproductive Technology Information with Vital Records, Massachusetts 1997–2000