Loneliness and Self-Esteem as Mediators Between Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Late Adolescence
Parental Intimate Partner Violence, Parenting Practices, and Adolescent Peer Bullying: A Prospective Study
Problems with the Term and Concept of ‘Abuse’: Critical Reflections on the Scottish Adult Support and Protection Study
Reciprocal Associations Between Connectedness and Autonomy Among Korean Adolescents: Compatible or Antithetical?
Age-Related Differences in Biomedical and Folk Beliefs as Causes for Diabetes and Heart Disease Among Mexican Origin Adults
From Enlightened Self-interest to Welfare Coalitions: Overcoming Identity-based Tensions in the Israeli Welfare State
Events, politics and patterns of policy-making: Impact of major incidents on health sector regulatory reforms in the UK and Japan
Prevalence and clinical characteristics of mental rituals in a longitudinal clinical sample of obsessive–compulsive disorder
Substance Use Among Asian-American Adolescents: Perceptions of Use and Preferences for Prevention Programming
Examining the Influence of Social Ecological Factors on Prostate Cancer Screening in Urban African-American Men
Perceptions of Readiness for Legally Literate Practice: A Longitudinal Study of Social Work Student Views
The relationship between perceived sense of control and visceral adipose tissue – the North Texas Healthy Heart Study
Need and use of services by persons with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders within a community mental health system
Localising Social Work: Lessons Learnt from a Community Based Intervention amongst the Bedouin in Jordan
‘Religious-lite’: a phenomenon and its relevance to the debate on identity development and emerging adulthood
Two sides to every story: a phenomenological exploration of the meanings of clinical supervision from supervisee and supervisor perspectives