The influence of sensitivity to reward and punishment, propensity for sensation seeking, depression, and anxiety on the risky behaviour of novice drivers: A path model
Integrated Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive–Behavioural Therapy for Bipolar Disorder with Comorbid Substance Use
Understanding the Importance of Attachment in Shame Traumatic Memory Relation to Depression: The Impact of Emotion Regulation Processes
Anorexia Nervosa as a Disorder of Emotion Dysregulation: Theory, Evidence, and Treatment Implications
Culturally Competent Treatments for Asian Americans: The Relevance of Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Psychotherapies
The St George’s Eating Disorders Service Meal Preparation Group for Inpatients and Day Patients Pursuing Full Recovery: A Pilot Study
When everything new is well-forgotten old: Vygotsky/Luria insights in the development of executive functions
Influences of children’s and adolescents’ action-control processes on school achievement, peer relationships, and coping with challenging life events
Intentional self-regulation, ecological assets, and thriving in adolescence: A developmental systems model
Specifying the Role of Exposure to Violence and Violent Behavior on Initiation of Gun Carrying: A Longitudinal Test of Three Models of Youth Gun Carrying
Examining the Moderating Role of Family Cohesion on the Relationship Between Witnessed Community Violence and Delinquency in a National Sample of Adolescents
The relationship between acculturation factors and symptoms of depression: A cross-sectional study with immigrants living in Athens
Khat chewing in persons with severe mental illness in Ethiopia: A qualitative study exploring perspectives of patients and caregivers
University of Illinois at Chicago’s Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Violence: Changing Systems to Prevent Violence in Chicago and Beyond
Building Community Partnerships to End Interpersonal Violence: A Collaboration of the Schools of Social Work, Law, and Nursing
Is there a need for a focused health care service for children with autistic spectrum disorders? A keyhole look at this problem in Tripoli, Libya
Direct and Mediated Effects of Nativity and Other Indicators of Acculturation on Hispanic Mothers’ Use of Physical Aggression
‘Dancing down memory lane’: Circle dancing as a psychotherapeutic intervention in dementia–a pilot study
Implementing the National Dementia Strategy in England: Evaluating innovative practices using a case study methodology
Dementia research – what do different public groups want? A survey by the Scottish Dementia Clinical Research Network
‘It’s kind of me taking responsibility for these things’: Men, vasectomy and ‘contraceptive economies’
Do Australian adolescent female fake tan (sunless tan) users practice better sun-protection behaviours than non-users?
Dentists’ preferences for diagnosis, management and referral of chronic oro-facial pain: Results from a national survey
Combined use of self-efficacy scale for oral health behaviour and oral health questionnaire: A pilot study
Are our Frontline Clinicians Equipped with the Ability and Confidence to Address Child Abuse and Neglect?
Liking the Same Things, but Doing Things Differently: Outcome Versus Strategic Compatibility in Partner Preferences for Joint Tasks