Social and Educational Responses to Mental Retardation in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh: Historical and Modern Reflections
Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education: A Proposed Direction Forward Based on Psychological Science
Development of a nationwide consensus syllabus of palliative medicine for undergraduate medical education in Japan: a modified Delphi method
Category Boundaries and Category Labels: When Does A Category Name Influence the Perceived Similarity of Category Members?
Childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as an extreme of a continuous trait: a quantitative genetic study of 8,500 twin pairs
Electrocortical reactivity to emotional faces in young children and associations with maternal and paternal depression
Monitoring and documentation of side effects from depot antipsychotic medication: an interdisciplinary audit of practice in a regional mental health service
Staff Perspectives of Substance Use and Misuse Among Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Enrolled in Dutch Disability Services
Supporting Families With Parents With Intellectual Disability: Views and Experiences of Professionals in the Field
Participation Opportunities for Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Provided by Disability Services in One Australian State
Assessing Quality of Life and Mortality in Adults With Intellectual Disability and Complex Health Problems Following Move From a Long-Stay Hospital
Identity and Academic Success among Underrepresented Ethnic Minorities: An Interdisciplinary Review and Integration
The Role of Efficacy and Identity in Science Career Commitment Among Underrepresented Minority Students
Systemic psychotherapy as an intervention for post-traumatic stress responses: an introduction, theoretical rationale and overview of developments in an emerging field of interest
How to fail as a family therapist working with adults with learning disabilities: a paradoxical literature review
The application of a domains-based analysis to family processes: implications for assessment and therapy
Engaging reluctant adolescents in family therapy: an exploratory study of in-session processes of change
Posttraumatic stress hyperarousal symptoms mediate the relationship between childhood exposure to violence and subsequent alcohol misuse in Mi’kmaq youth
Peritraumatic and trait dissociation differentiate police officers with resilient versus symptomatic trajectories of posttraumatic stress symptoms
DSM Criteria for Tobacco Use Disorder and Tobacco Withdrawal: A Critique and Proposed Revisions for DSM-5
Determining the Relative Importance of the Mechanisms of Behavior Change within Alcoholics Anonymous: A Multiple Mediator Analysis
Professional Training in Applied Psychology: Towards a Signature Pedagogy for Forensic Psychology Training
After the randomised injectable opiate treatment trial: Post-trial investigation of slow-release oral morphine as an alternative opiate maintenance medication
Baseline assessment of community knowledge and attitudes toward drug use and harm reduction in Kabul, Afghanistan
Individual versus team-based case-management for clients of opioid treatment services: An initial evaluation of what clients prefer
Barriers to collaboration on behalf of children with challenging behaviours: a large qualitative study of five constituent groups
Congruence and incongruence in the perception of ‘family’ among foster parents, birth parents and their adolescent (foster) children