Self-reported ageism in students and academic staff—the case of the Social Work Department in Crete, Greece
Who runs the mill? The distribution of power in Swedish social service agenciesVem är det egentligen som bestämmer på socialkontoret? Maktfördelningen mellan bland politiker och tjänstemän inom den svenska individ- och familjeomsorgen
Relying on nature’s pharmacy in rural Burkina Faso: Empirical evidence of the determinants of traditional medicine consumption
Political Justice? Perceptions of Politicization and Public Preferences Toward the Supreme Court Appointment Process
A Community-Based Participatory Planning Process and Multilevel Intervention Design: Toward Eliminating Cardiovascular Health Inequities
The Motivation and Engagement Scale: Theoretical Framework, Psychometric Properties, and Applied Yields
The Ability to Understand the Experience of Other People: Development and Validation of the Emotion Recognition Scales
The Role of Early-Life Socioeconomic Status in Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality: Unraveling Life Course Mechanisms
Sociodemographic Factors Associated With Self-Reported Exercise and Physical Activity Behaviors and Attitudes of South Australians: Results of a Population-Based Survey
"I Don’t Want to Live Like This Anymore": Disrupted Habitus in Young People "At Risk" of Diagnosis of Personality Disorder
Content analysis of School Psychology International, 1990-2011: An analysis of trends and compatibility with the NASP Practice Model
‘I think we’re all guinea pigs really’: a qualitative study of medication and borderline personality disorder
Using Photovoice to Assess and Promote Environmental Approaches to Tobacco Control in AAPI Communities
Construction and international validation of CIVIQ-14 (a short form of CIVIQ-20), a new questionnaire with a stable factorial structure
Symptom assessment in ambulatory oncology: initial validation of the nurse-developed Modified Ambulatory Care Flow Sheet (MACFS)
Perceptions of quality of life and disability in homeless persons with schizophrenia and persons with schizophrenia living in non-institutional housing
Improving homeless persons’ utilisation of primary care: lessons to be learned from an outreach programme in The Netherlands
Many people show poor adherence to their initial antipsychotic after first hospitalisation with schizophrenia
Power, Diversity and Values-Congruent Accountability in the Psychological Therapies: Report on an Emerging Dialogue