The Linkage of Life Course, Migration, Health, and Aging: Health in Adults and Elderly Mexican Migrants
The effect of the ZERO TO THREE Court Teams initiative on types of exits from the foster care system – A competing risks analysis
Social mortality differentials in Denmark and the USA – Very different or very similar? A reply to Avendano and Galama
Social Worker Interventions in Situations of Domestic Violence: What We Can Learn from Survivors’ Personal Narratives?
Differences between Children’s Social Workers and Adults’ Social Workers on Sense of Burnout, Work Conditions and Organisational Social Support
Focus Group Study Assessing Self-management Skills of Chinese Americans with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Working Life on the Move, Domestic Life at Standstill? Work-related Travel and Responsibility for Home and Family
Building Relationships for Business in Taiwanese Hostess Clubs: the Psychological and Social Processes of Guanxi Development
Gay-Straight Alliances, Social Justice Involvement, and School Victimization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Youth: Implications for School Well-Being and Plans to Vote
A Longitudinal Investigation of Employment Among Low-Income Youth: Patterns, Predictors, and Correlates
Acculturation Process and Distress: Mediating Roles of Sociocultural Adaptation and Acculturative Stress
Promoting Positive Motherhood AmongNulliparous Pregnant Women With an Intense Fear of Childbirth:rct Intervention
Differences in the Impact of the Frequency and Enjoyment of Joint Family Activities on Adolescent Substance use and Violence
Does Household Gun Access Increase the Risk of Attempted Suicide? Evidence From a National Sample of Adolescents
Methodological Challenges to Research Among Chinese: Using Mixed Methods to Investigate Older Persons With Depression in Macau
The Relationship of Perceived Neighborhood Social Climate to Walking in Hispanic Older Adults: A Longitudinal, Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis
Innovations in practice: reliability and sensitivity to change of the Family Life Questionnaire in a clinical population
The association between exposure to point-of-sale anti-smoking warnings and smokers’ interest in quitting and quit attempts: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey
The basis for Canada’s new low-risk drinking guidelines: A relative risk approach to estimating hazardous levels and patterns of alcohol use
What place, if any, does information on putative cardioprotective effects of moderate alcohol use have in safer drinking guidelines?
The New Affordable and Social Housing Provision System in China: Implications for Comparative Housing Studies
New Prospects for Social Rental Housing in Taiwan: The Role of Housing Affordability Crises and the Housing Movement
A Review of “Inclusionary Housing in International Perspective: Affordable Housing, Social Inclusion, and Land Value Recapture”