Institutions versus market forces: Explaining the employment insecurity of European individuals during (the beginning of) the financial crisis
Comorbidity of partial and subthreshold ptsd among men and women with eating disorders in the national comorbidity survey-replication study
Psychometric Evaluation and Normative Data for the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21) in a Nonclinical Sample of U.S. Adults
The Systemic Model of Crime and Institutional Efficacy: An Analysis of the Social Context of Offender Reintegration
Dreaming the research process: a psychotherapeutic contribution to the culture of healthcare research
Just under 1% of adults living in the community in England are estimated to have autism spectrum disorders
Antidepressant non-adherence is common among veterans, with ineffectiveness and side effects as commonly reported reasons
Do Faith-Based Residential Care Services Affect the Religious Faith and Clinical Outcomes of Homeless Veterans?
The Modified Depression Scale (MDS): A Brief, No-Cost Assessment Tool to Estimate the Level of Depressive Symptoms in Students and Schools
Developmental Associations Between Adolescent Change in Depressive Symptoms and Menstrual-Cycle-Phase-Specific Negative Affect During Early Adulthood
Autonomous forms of motivation underpinning injury prevention and rehabilitation among police officers: An application of the trans-contextual model
Observed communication in couples two years after integrative and traditional behavioral couple therapy: Outcome and link with five-year follow-up.
The treatment of ‘difficult’ patients in a secure unit of a specialized psychiatric hospital: the patient’s perspective
The quality of the working alliance between chronic psychiatric patients and their case managers: process and outcomes
Individual psychomotor impairment in relation to zopiclone and ethanol concentrations in blood – a randomized controlled double-blinded trial
Examining the Pathway through which Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aspirations Generate Stress and Subsequent Depressive Symptoms
Trauma Exposure and PTSD Symptoms among Homeless Mothers: Predicting Coping and Mental Health Outcomes
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy as a Family-Oriented Approach to Behavioral Management Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Report
Out of control?: Inhibition processes in eating disorders from a personality and cognitive perspective
What is the role of specialist palliative care in an acute hospital setting? A qualitative study exploring views of patients and carers
Does Psychological Contract Breach Decrease Proactive Behaviors? The Moderating Effect of Emotion Regulation