Cognitive alterations in patients with non-affective psychotic disorder and their unaffected siblings and parents
The politics of torture in antagonistic politics, and its displacement by the regime of the arts: Abu Ghraib, Colombian paramilitaries and Fernando Botero
Transnational injustice symbols and communities: The case of al-Qaeda and the Guantanamo Bay detention camp
The Effects of Sexism, Psychological Distress, and Difficult Sexual Situations on U.S. Women’s Sexual Risk Behaviors
Use of North America’s First Medically Supervised Safer Injecting Facility Among HIV-Positive Injection Drug Users
Correlates of Sexual, Ethnic, and Dual Identity: A Study of Young Asian and Pacific Islander Men who Have Sex with Men
Does Conservative Protestantism Moderate the Association Between Corporal Punishment and Child Outcomes?
Patient participation in mental healthcare: When is it difficult? A qualitative study of users and providers in a mental health hospital in Norway
Sample size planning for composite reliability coefficients: Accuracy in parameter estimation via narrow confidence intervals
The interconnection between social work, social policy issues and politics requires a broad research perspective
Informal family carers and lack of personal time: Descriptions of being outside the sphere of formal help
The development of knowledge for somatic hospital social workers in Norway: Implementation of a knowledge tool
Problemen förgår, lösningarna består. Organisering av kommunala insatser för unga arbetslösa med försörjningsproblem
Ethnocentric bias in the comparative study of social welfare: the case of welfare reforms in Hong Kong
Integrated community development through dialogue, capacity-building and partnership in an Australian town
“I made her realise that I could be there for her, that I could support her”: Child Protection Practices with Women in Domestic Violence Cases
Perspectives on US Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters: What do Young Adolescent Residents and their Mothers Say?
Using Force: Australian Newspaper Depictions of Contacts Between the Police and Persons Experiencing Mental Illness
Do actions speak louder than words? A comparative perspective on implicit versus explicit meta-cognition and theory of mind
Integrating lecture capture as a teaching strategy to improve student presentation skills through self-assessment
Intimidation in small learning groups: The roles of social-comparison concern, comfort, and individual characteristics in student academic outcomes
Parental Involvement and Work Schedules: Time with Children in the United States, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom