Erratum to: The Cultural Influences on Help-seeking Among a National Sample of Victimized Latino Women
Emotional reactivity in infants with congenital heart defects and maternal symptoms of postnatal depression
Effect of estrogen replacement therapy on symptoms of depression and anxiety in non-depressive menopausal women
‘I reckon my life will be easy, but my kids will be buggered’: ambivalence in young people’s positive perceptions of individual futures and their visions of environmental collapse
Gender Differences in the Relationship of Social Activity and Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Taiwanese Elders
Understanding Maltreating Mothers: A Synthesis of Relational Trauma, Attachment Disorganization, Structural Dissociation of the Personality, and Experiential Avoidance
Abuse of Children in Institutional Care in 20th-Century Ireland: An Analysis Using Fromm’s Psychology
Your shout too! Children’s views of the arrangements made and services provided when courts adjudicate in private law disputes
Public disclosure: Sex offenders’ perceptions of the pilot scheme in England. Compliance, legitimacy and living a “Good Life”
Verbal Communication about Sex in Marriage: Patterns of Language Use and Its Connection with Relational Outcomes
Descriptive and Injunctive Social Norm Overestimation in Hooking Up and Their Role as Predictors of Hook-Up Activity in a College Student Sample
Beliefs About Women’s Vibrator Use: Results From a Nationally Representative Probability Survey in the United States
Should We Take Anodyspareunia Seriously? A Descriptive Analysis of Pain During Receptive Anal Intercourse in Young Heterosexual Women
Reliability, Validity, and Psychometric Development of the Pornography Consumption Inventory in a Sample of Hypersexual Men
Relationship Among Sexual Desire, Sexual Satisfaction, and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adults
Relational and Overt Victimization in Middle and High Schools: Associations With Self-Reported Suicidality
Mother–infant interactions in women with borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, their co-occurrence, and healthy controls
Family Cohesion and Social Support: Protective Factors for Acculturation Stress Among Low-Acculturated Mexican Migrants
Are happy children socially successful? Testing a central premise of positive psychology in a sample of preschool children
Strengths Gym: The impact of a character strengths-based intervention on the life satisfaction and well-being of adolescents
Psychometric Properties of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent (MMPI–A) Clinical, Content, and Supplementary Scales in a Forensic Sample
Relations Between Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–A Scales and Rorschach Variables With the Scope and Severity of Maltreatment Among Adolescents