Roger Grainger, Suspending disbelief: theatre as a context for sharing ; Atle Dyregrov, Supporting traumatized children and teenagers: a guide to providing understanding and help ; Jill Hayes and Sarah Povey, The creative arts in dementia care: practical person-centred approaches and ideas
A pilot longitudinal follow-up study of the Brief Infant Toddler Social–Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) in Northern Finland: examining toddlers’ social–emotional, behavioural and communicative development
School readiness among low-income, Latino children attending family childcare versus centre-based care
Quality of care and education provided by Greek day-care centres: an approach from researcher’s and early childhood educators’ perspective
Temperament and peer relations: investigating the effect the temperament of 5–6-year-olds has on their peer relations
Acceptability ratings of language interventions and reasoning as described by early childhood special education teachers
A Group Intervention to Improve Body Image Satisfaction and Dietary Habits in Gay and Bisexual Men Living With HIV/AIDS
Psychosocial Barriers to Engagement With an Eating Disorder Service: A Qualitative Analysis of Failure to Attend
Caught in the net? Interdisciplinary perspectives on a longitudinal view of emotional and behavioural difficulties
Pre-school socio-emotional behaviour and its correlation to self-perceptions and strengths of young adults
Children with and without disabilities in residential care: risk at program entry, departure and six-month follow-up
School dropout, problem behaviour and poor academic achievement: a longitudinal view of Portuguese male offenders
The relationship between quantity, type, and timing of external childcare and child problem behaviour in Switzerland
Are mother–child similarities in value orientations related to mothers’ parenting? A comparative study of American and Romanian mothers and their adolescent children
Connecting the intrapersonal to the interpersonal: Autonomy, voice, parents, and romantic relationships in emerging adulthood
School enrolment and executive functioning: A longitudinal perspective on developmental changes, the influence of learning context, and the prediction of pre-academic skills
Identity formation in Italian emerging adults: A cluster-analytic approach and associations with psychosocial functioning
A two-year follow-up investigation of parenting and peer influences on tobacco use onset among Italian early adolescents
Mother–toddler attachment in a paediatric setting: Presentation and validation of the Paediatric Attachment Style Indicator
The influence of two years of school music training in secondary school on visual and auditory memory
Straddling the contradictions: Understanding and conceptualising the role of attachment status in counselling psychologists’ accounts of personal therapy
The fieldwork model: An anthropological perspective on the process of change in long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy
A grounded theory exploration of therapists’ experiences of somatic phenomena in the countertransference
Multiple intelligences and the therapeutic alliance: Incorporating multiple intelligence theory and practice into counselling
The philosophy of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT): Stoic philosophy as rational and cognitive psychotherapy, by Donald Robertson
Treating personality disorder: Creating robust services for people with complex mental health needs, edited by Naomi Murphy and Des McVey
A dyadic examination of the role of relationship characteristics and age on relationship satisfaction in a formal mentoring programme
When modesty wins: Impression management through modesty, political skill, and career success—a two-study investigation