Exploring the Venue’s Role in Risky Sexual Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men: An Event-Level Analysis from a National Online Survey in the U.S.
Using Picture Books to Create Peer Awareness About Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Inclusive Classroom
The Impact of the Adult-Child Relationship on School Adjustment for Children at Risk of Serious Behavior Problems
The Relationship Between Cancer Pain and Quality of Life in Patients Newly Admitted to Wuhan Hospice Center of China
Improving implicit and explicit intergroup attitudes using imagined contact: An experimental intervention with elementary school children
‘It Would be Okay If They Came through the Proper Channels’: Community Perceptions and Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers in Australia
The Protective Role of Perceived Social Support Against the Manifestation of Depressive Symptoms in Peer Victims
Performance-Based Contracting and the Moderating Influence of Caseworker Role Overload on Service Provision in Child Welfare
Privatization and Performance-Based Contracting in Child Welfare: Recent Trends and Implications for Social Service Administrators
What Counts: Social Accounting for Nonprofits and Cooperatives by Laurie Mook, Jack Quarter, and Betty Jane Richmond
Working with suicidal clients: The person-centred counsellor’s experience and understanding of risk assessment
Formative evaluation of the transition to postgraduate study for counselling and psychotherapy training: Students’ perceptions of assignments and academic writing
Therapeutic activities and psychological interventions by cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic therapists working with medically unexplained symptoms: A qualitative study
‘I never talked about, ever’: A comprehensive process analysis of a significant client disclosure event in therapy
‘The third person in the room’: Recording the counselling interview for the purpose of counsellor training – barrier to relationship building or effective tool for professional development?
Evidence of Improved Shooting Precision in Biathlon After 10 Weeks of Combined Relaxation and Specific Shooting Training
Guided Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Functions of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury among Young Women in Residential Care: A Pilot Study with the Swedish Version of the Inventory of Statements about Self-Injury
Negative Life Experiences and the Development of Cluster C Personality Disorders: A Cognitive Perspective
Psychometric Comparison of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 and the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Measuring Response during Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Difficulties in disengaging attentional resources from self-generated thoughts moderate the link between dysphoria and maladaptive self-referential thinking
Positive and negative appraisals of the consequences of activated states uniquely relate to symptoms of hypomania and depression