Factor Structure of the Dutch Version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-SF among Female Sex Workers in the Netherlands
Home–work relations and the spatialization of care: wives on the margins of the Israeli high-tech industryLas relaciones trabajo-hogar y la espacialización del cuidado: esposas en los márgenes de la industria de alta tecnología de Israel
Working gender after crisis: partnerships and disconnections in Sri Lanka after the Indian Ocean tsunamiTrabajando sobre el género después de la crisis – asociaciones y desconexiones en Sri Lanka luego del tsunami del océano Índico
Malthus, gender and the demarcation of ‘dangerous’ bodies in 1996 US welfare reformMalthus, el género y la demarcación de los cuerpos ‘peligrosos’ en la reforma del sistema de asistencia social de EE.UU. en 1996
Geografías generizadas de la variación genética: Sexo, poder y movilidad en la genética de poblaciones humanaGendered geographies of genetic variation: sex, power and mobility in human population genetics
Stigma-Busting, Compeer, and the Psychology Student: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Contact with a Person Who Has a Mental Illness
Randomized Trial of Standard Methadone Treatment Compared to Initiating Methadone without Counseling: 12-month Findings
Children’s event reports: Factors affecting responses to repeated questions in vignette scenarios and event recall interviews
Day Reporting Center and Recidivism: Comparing Offender Groups in a Western Pennsylvania County Study
Childhood Exposure to Caregiver Suicidal Behavior and Risk for Adult Suicide Attempts: Findings from a National Survey
The Spanish Reasons for Living Inventory (SRFL-I): Factor Structure and Association with Suicide Risk Among Spanish Speaking Hispanics
Parental Mental Disorders and Suicidal Behavior in the Nigerian Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being
Introducing the electronic patient record (EPR) in a hospital setting: boundary work and shifting constructions of professional identities
Suicide Ideation, Depressive Symptoms, and Out-of-Home Placement Among Youth in the U.S. Child Welfare System
Changes in Loneliness during Middle Childhood Predict Risk for Adolescent Suicidality Indirectly through Mental Health Problems