The Association of Health Insurance and Disease Impairment with Reported Asthma Prevalence in U.S. Children
Moderating effect of Islamic religiosity on the relationship between chronic medical conditions and psychological well-being among elderly Malays
Differentiation between amnestic-mild cognitive impairment and early-stage Alzheimer’s disease using the Frontal Assessment Battery test
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Story Building and Telling in Facilitating Group Cohesion in a College Classroom Setting
Mental health promotion of Iranian university students: the effect of self-esteem and health locus of control
Case Studies on Using Strengths and Interests to Address the Needs of Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Depressive symptomatology and service utilisation among refugee children and adolescents living in South Australia
‘It’s easier just to separate them’: practice constructions in the mental health care and support of younger people with dementia and their families
The relationship between attitudes towards different containment measures and their usage in a national sample of psychiatric inpatients
Recognition of physical deterioration in patients with mental health problems: the role of simulation in knowledge and skill development
Race-Ethnicity and Medical Services for Infertility: Stratified Reproduction in a Population-based Sample of U.S. Women
Psychometric Properties of the Lithuanian Adlerian Parental Assessment of Child Behavior Scale in Parents of 6- to 12- Year-Olds
Evaluating a Bereavement Follow-Up Intervention for Grieving Fathers and Their Experiences of Support After the Death of a Child—A Pilot Study
Community Effects on Pregnancy Intention Among Cohabiting Women in The Philippines: Implications for Maternal and Child Health
Commentary: Preventing adolescent suicide: is proactive screening for mental disorders the answer? – reflections on Christiansen and Larsen (2011)
Gaze aversion as a cognitive load management strategy in autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome
Why men should be included in research on binge eating: Results from a comparison of psychosocial impairment in men and women
Adult attachment at the transition to motherhood: predicting worry, health care utility and relationship functioning
Factor Structure of the Dutch Version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-SF among Female Sex Workers in the Netherlands
Home–work relations and the spatialization of care: wives on the margins of the Israeli high-tech industryLas relaciones trabajo-hogar y la espacialización del cuidado: esposas en los márgenes de la industria de alta tecnología de Israel
Working gender after crisis: partnerships and disconnections in Sri Lanka after the Indian Ocean tsunamiTrabajando sobre el género después de la crisis – asociaciones y desconexiones en Sri Lanka luego del tsunami del océano Índico
Malthus, gender and the demarcation of ‘dangerous’ bodies in 1996 US welfare reformMalthus, el género y la demarcación de los cuerpos ‘peligrosos’ en la reforma del sistema de asistencia social de EE.UU. en 1996
Geografías generizadas de la variación genética: Sexo, poder y movilidad en la genética de poblaciones humanaGendered geographies of genetic variation: sex, power and mobility in human population genetics
Stigma-Busting, Compeer, and the Psychology Student: A Pilot Study on the Impact of Contact with a Person Who Has a Mental Illness
Randomized Trial of Standard Methadone Treatment Compared to Initiating Methadone without Counseling: 12-month Findings
Children’s event reports: Factors affecting responses to repeated questions in vignette scenarios and event recall interviews