Maternal attachment feelings mediate between maternal reports of depression, infant social–emotional development, and parenting stress
Knowledge Judgments and Object Memory Processes in Early Childhood: Support for the Dual Criterion Account of Object Nameability Judgment
Impact of an individualist vs. collectivist context on the social valorization of internal explanations
An assessment of cost, quality and outcomes for five HIV prevention youth peer education programs in Zambia
A randomized trial to promote health belief and to reduce environmental tobacco smoke exposure in pregnant women
Evidence of the adoption and implementation of a statewide childhood obesity prevention initiative in the New York State WIC Program: the NY Fit WIC process evaluation
The role of family factors and school achievement in the progression of adolescents to regular smoking
Trajectories of Preparation for Future Care Among First-Degree Relatives of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: An Ancillary Study of ADAPT
Resident-to-Resident Aggression in Nursing Homes: Results from a Qualitative Event Reconstruction Study
A systems perspective on the integrative child psychiatry approach discussion of paper: “Working here and now with the individual and family system: A case of a traumatized child”
Is there a ‘low-risk’ drinking level for youth? The risk of acute harm as a function of quantity and frequency of drinking
The long-term effect of lockouts on alcohol-related emergency department attendances within Ballarat, Australia
Three hours of training improve psychiatric staff’s self-perceived knowledge and attitudes toward problem-drinking patients
Social, Demographic, and Medical Influences on Physical Activity in Child and Adolescent Cancer Survivors
Perceiving a Negative Event as Central to One’s Identity Partially Mediates Age Differences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
Attitudes about psychotherapy: A qualitative study of introductory psychology students who have never been in psychotherapy and the influence of attachment style
Clarifying the Relationship Between AS Dimensions and PTSD Symptom Clusters: Are Negative and Positive Affectivity Theoretically Relevant Constructs?
A Survey Evaluating Patients’ Satisfaction with the Social Work Service Provided at a Rehabilitation Centre
Programs for Children of Parents who have a Mental Illness: Referral and Assessment Practices. “One size fits all”?
A Comparison of Out-of-home Care for Children and Young People in Australia and Sweden: Worlds Apart?
Welfare-to-work Policies and the Experience of Employed Single Mothers on Income Support in Australia: Where are the Benefits?
Caesarean-section, my body, my choice: The construction of ‘informed choice’ in relation to intervention in childbirth