Applying the PRECIS Criteria to Describe Three Effectiveness Trials of Weight Loss in Obese Patients with Comorbid Conditions
The Role of Negative Maternal Affective States and Infant Temperament in Early Interactions Between Infants With Cleft Lip and Their Mothers
A 5-year prospective study of predictors for disability pension among patients with major depressive disorder
National program for improvement of VA primary care: evaluating the PACT initiative in VA Ann Arbor healthcare system
Off the radar and ubiquitous: text messaging and its relationship to ‘drama’ and cyberbullying in an affluent, academically rigorous US high school
High-Ability Students: New Ways to Conceptualize Giftedness and Provide Psychological Services in the Schools
Picturing inclusive places in segregated spaces: a participatory photo project conducted by migrant women in SwedenImaginándose lugares inclusivos en espacios segregados: un proyecto fotográfico participativo realizado por mujeres inmigrantes en Suecia
The Interplay of Loneliness and Depressive Symptoms Across Adolescence: Exploring the Role of Personality Traits
The importance of perceived autonomy support for the psychological health and work satisfaction of health professionals: Not only supervisors count, colleagues too!
The Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Toddlers: A Population Study of 2-Year-Old Swedish Children
Using Individualized Reinforcers and Hierarchical Exposure to Increase Food Flexibility in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Relationships Between Treatment Expectations and Treatment Outcomes Among Outpatients with Substance Use Problems
Diabetes Self-Efficacy Strongly Influences Actual Control of Diabetes in Patients Attending a Tertiary Hospital in India
Influence of recruitment strategy on the reach and effect of a web-based multiple tailored smoking cessation intervention among Dutch adult smokers
Special Needs Characteristics of Children With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders That Affect Inclusion in Regular Education
Validity of the Student Risk Screening Scale: Evidence of Predictive Validity in a Diverse, Suburban Elementary Setting
Can we meet their expectations? Experiences and perceptions of feedback in first year undergraduate students
Enhancing professional writing skills of veterinary technology students: linking assessment and clinical practice in a communications course
Parent, sibling and peer influences on smoking initiation, regular smoking and nicotine dependence. Results from a genetically informative design
Engaged or Connected? A Perspective of the Motivational Pathway of the Job Demands-Resources Model in Volunteers Working for Nonprofit Organizations