Measuring fatigue in persons with multiple sclerosis: creating a crosswalk between the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale and the PROMIS Fatigue Short Form
Public Awareness About the Connection Between Depression and Physical Health: Specifically Heart Disease
Testing whether reduced cognitive performance in burnout can be reversed by a motivational intervention
Paediatric human immunodeficiency virus treatment outcomes from a resource-limited setting in South Africa: Highly active antiretroviral therapy alone is not enough
Comparative Victim and Offender Research: Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Findings from around the World
Preventing Repeat Domestic Burglary: A Meta-Evaluation of Studies from Australia, the UK, and the United States
Implications of an Individualized Admission Selection Procedure for Psychotherapy Training in Professional Programs in Psychology
“I am a blood sugar checker”: Intervening effects of self-as-doer identity on the relationship between self-efficacy and diabetes self-care behaviors
Using Self-Regulation Strategies and Functional Assessment-Based Interventions to Provide Academic and Behavioral Support to Students at Risk Within Three-Tiered Models of Prevention
Examination of Case Law (2007–2008) Regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder and Violations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Exploring Actor and Partner Effects in Associations Between Marriage and Parenting for Mothers and Fathers
Parenting Control in Contexts of Political Violence: Testing Bidirectional Relations Between Violence Exposure and Control in Post-Accord Belfast
Citizens’ participation and community orientation – indicators of social sustainability of rural welfare services
Communication and Performance in Co-Located and Distributed Teams: An Issue of Shared Mental Models of Team Members?
Perceived Fairness and Satisfaction with the Division of Housework Among Dual-Earner Couples in Italy
Auditory Cortex Responsiveness During Talking and Listening: Early Illness Schizophrenia and Patients at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis