Social Adversity, Genetic Variation, Street Code, and Aggression: A Genetically Informed Model of Violent Behavior
The Interaction Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Genetic Factors in the Prediction of Antisocial Outcomes
Use of a Mixed Methods Approach to Investigate the Support Needs of Older Caregivers to Family Members Affected by HIV and AIDS in South Africa
An Examination of the Influence of Strength of Evidence Variables in the Prosecution’s Decision to Dismiss Driving While Intoxicated Cases
Hope for the Future? Understanding Self-Sacrifice Among Young Citizens of the World in the Face of Global Warming
Homeless and highly mobile students: A population-level description of the status of homeless students from three school districts
Interaction in the Semi-Structured Interview: A Comparative Analysis of the Use of and Response to Indirect Complaints
A combined planning and self-efficacy intervention to promote physical activity: A multiple mediation analysis
The effects of perceived social support on quality of life in patients awaiting coronary artery bypass grafting and their partners: Testing dyadic dynamics using the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model
Differences in perceptions of coronary disease among Hong Kong Chinese: Implications for the societal readiness in disease prevention
The prevalence of symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among soldiers with amputation of a limb or spinal injury: A report from a rehabilitation centre in Sri Lanka
Does change in psychometric test scores tell us anything about risk of reconviction in sexual offenders?
Changes over time from baseline poor self-rated health: For whom does poor self-rated health not predict mortality?
Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour and implementation intentions to predict and facilitate upward family communication about mammography
Assessing treatment motivation among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy: A multidimensional approach
Testing mediator variables in a resistance training intervention for obese adults with type 2 diabetes
Investigating the predictive validity of implicit and explicit measures of motivation on condom use, physical activity and healthy eating
Metacognition in forensic patients with schizophrenia and a past history of interpersonal violence: an exploratory study
Abuse and dysfunctional affiliations in childhood: an exploration of their impact on voice-hearers’ appraisals of power and expressed emotion
The development of the Content of Attenuated Positive Symptoms Codebook for those at clinical high risk of psychosis
From sexual abuse to psychosis: A pilot study exploring the social deafferentation hypothesis and the mediating role of avoidance