The relationship between care providers’ relational behaviors and residents mood and behavior in long-term care settings
The association between self-rated mental health and symptoms of depression in Korean American older adults
Prevalence, correlates, and clinical features of delayed-onset posttraumatic stress disorder in a nationally representative military sample
Carl Rogers’ fateful wrong move in the development of Rogerian relational therapy: Retitling “relationship therapy” “non-directive therapy”
Counseling Young People with Physical Disabilities Regarding Relationships and Sexuality Issues: Utilization of a Novel Service
The Strong African American Families–Teen Trial: Rationale, Design, Engagement Processes, and Family-Specific Effects
Childhood Executive Function Continues to Predict Outcomes in Young Adult Females with and Without Childhood-Diagnosed ADHD
Parentification and mental health symptoms: mediator effects of perceived unfairness and differentiation of self
A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Brief Intervention for Illicit Drugs Linked to the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in clients recruited from primary health care settings in four countries
Very low rate and light smokers: smoking patterns and cessation-related behaviour in England, 2006-2011
Smokeless Tobacco Use Related to Military Deployment, Cigarettes, and Mental Health Symptoms in a Large, Prospective Cohort Study Among US Service Members
Evidence that interactive effects of COMT and MTHFR moderate psychotic response to environmental stress
Utility and adoption of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotyping and its translation into psychiatric clinical practice
The differential effect of illicit drug use on cognitive function in first-episode psychosis and healthy controls
Adversity and psychosis: a 10-year prospective study investigating synergism between early and recent adversity in psychosis
‘It’s Not Like We’re Going to Jump Them’: How Transgressing Heteronormativity Shapes Police Interactions with LGBT Young People
What is the Difference between ‘Desistance’ and ‘Resilience’? Exploring the Relationship between Two Key Concepts
‘I Would Have Been Able to Hear What They Think’: Tensions in Achieving Restorative Outcomes in the English Youth Justice System
The ‘Sexting’ Quagmire: Criminal Justice Responses to Adolescents’ Electronic Transmission of Indecent Images in the UK and the USA
A Pilot Study of Latinos With Multiple Sclerosis: Demographic, Disease, Mental Health, and Psychosocial Characteristics
The Ghana Community-Based Rehabilitation Program for People With Disabilities: What Happened at the End of Donor Support?
The Intersection of Social Process and Social Structure Theories to Address Juvenile Crime: Toward a Collaborative Intervention Model