Evaluation of patients’ and physicians’ expectations and attributes of osteoarthritis treatment using Kano methodology
Gift of Life or Cultural Taboo: Effects of an Educational Pamphlet on Young Adults’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Organ Donation
Perceived father’s care protects adolescents from transitions to tobacco use at a highly vulnerable age: a short-term longitudinal study
Parental Expressivity and Parenting Styles in Chinese Families: Prospective and Unique Relations to Children’s Psychological Adjustment
When Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy Works and When It Doesn’t: Clinical Data Mining on Good and Poor CBGT Outcomes for Depression and Anxiety Among Hong Kong Chinese
Anxiety in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders: Significant Differences and the Moderating Effects of Social Impairments
Linking Practitioners’ Attitudes Towards and Basic Knowledge of Immigrants with Their Social Work Education
Changing stereotype content through mental imagery: Imagining intergroup contact promotes stereotype change
Ethnic identification in response to perceived discrimination protects well-being and promotes activism: A longitudinal study of Latino college students
Priming a natural or human-made environment directs attention to context-congruent threatening stimuli
Effects of home-based stress management training on primary caregivers of demented elderly in South Korea
Realizing One’s Rights under the 1951 Convention 60 Years On: A Review of Practical Constraints on Accessing Protection in Europe
Are Perceptions of Organizational Justice Universal? An Exploration of Measurement Invariance Across Thirteen Cultures
Development and Application of Environmental Quality of Life Scale Among People Residing Near Three Types of Industrial Areas, Southern Thailand
Understanding the health impact of caregiving: a qualitative study of immigrant parents and single parents of children with cancer
Changes in life satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury during and after inpatient rehabilitation: adaptation or measurement bias?
Development of Self-regulation Abilities as Predictors of Psychological Adjustment Across the First Year of College
The Relational Self and Pre-existing Depression: Implicit Activation of Significant-other Representations Exacerbates Dysphoria and Evokes Rejection in the Working Self-concept
The effectiveness of calibrated versus default distance decay functions for geographic profiling: a preliminary examination of crime type