Learning and Working: The Impact of the ‘Double Status Position’ on the Labour Market Entry Process of Graduates in CEE Countries
The Predictive Validity of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator: Disability, Health Care Utilization, and Quality of Life in a Population at Risk
Workforce Implications of Injury Among Home Health Workers: Evidence From the National Home Health Aide Survey
Rehabilitation Settings After Joint Replacement: An Application of Multiattribute Preference Elicitation
Marginal memberships: Psychological effects of identity ambiguity on professionals who are demographically different from the majority
Impact of Outliers Arising From Unintended and Unknowingly Included Subpopulations on the Decisions About the Number of Factors in Exploratory Factor Analysis
A National Survey of Hospice Administrator and Pharmacist Perspectives on Pharmacist Services and the Impact on Medication Requirements and Cost
Evaluating Relative Mode Effects in Mixed-Mode Surveys : Three Methods to Disentangle Selection and Measurement Effects
Semi-conditional cash transfers in the form of family allowances for children and adolescents in the informal economy in Argentina
Racism and Power: Arizona Politicians’ Use of the Discourse of Anti-Americanism Against Mexican American Studies
Assessing Latina/o Undergraduates’ Depressive Symptomatology: Comparisons of the Beck Depression Inventory-II, the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, and the Self-Report Depression Scale
The Impact of Oakland Freedom School’s Summer Youth Program on the Psychosocial Development of African American Youth
The Three Domains of Disgust Scale: Factor Structure, Psychometric Properties, and Conceptual Limitations
Mental Health in First Responders: A Review and Recommendation for Prevention and Intervention Strategies
The uncut jade: Differing views of the potential of expert users on staff training and rehabilitation programmes for service users in Hong Kong
I Want to Move, But Cannot: Characteristics of Involuntary Stayers and Associations With Health Among Canadian Seniors
Dilemmas, diagnosis and de-stigmatization: Parental perspectives on the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders
What are the striking parallels between cognitive neuroscience and spiritual traditions? Or why counselling psychologists should embrace transpersonal psychology
The Use of Medical Clowns as a Psychological Distress Buffer During Anogenital Examination of Sexually Abused Children