Organizational resilience and primary care nurses’ work conditions and wellbeing: a multilevel empirical study in China
The effect of nursing interventions applied at home to improve rational use of medicines and awareness of elderly individuals: A randomized controlled study
Inclusive measure development: amplifying the voices of adolescents and young adults with spina bifida in a new measure of benefit-finding and growth
Does enforcement style influence citizen trust in regulatory agencies? An experiment in six countries
What is most important to focus on now for success after college? Students’ responses mirror and diverge from what employers consider essential skills.
Leadership Through Language, Terminology and Representation: Conceptual and Tangible Steps Towards Epistemic Justice Practices
Making the (Entire) World a Better Place? Aligning Theory and Practice towards a more Sustainable & Inclusive HRM
Effectiveness of e-learning material on essential components of evidence-based medicine among laypersons: a randomized controlled trial
Integrating youth participatory action research and health communication to inform youth and young adult covid-19 vaccine communication research
Singlestick purchases: a comparative cross-country analysis in 10 African countries, Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2012–21
International research priorities for integrated care and cross-boundary working: an electronic Delphi study
Barriers to Careers in Behavior Analysis among Hispanic and Latinx Undergraduate Students: A Preliminary Analysis
Affective Trust in the Supervisor and Innovative Work Behavior: The Effects of Proactive Skill Development and Learning Goal Orientation
Growing up with Radicalized Parents: The Experiences of Dutch Children of NSB and SS members During and After World War II
Administrative Lawfare at the European Union’s External Borders: Some Perspectives on Administrative Regulation of NGO Search and Rescue Activities in Italy and the Situation at the Polish-Belarusian Border
How Psychologists Communicate about Symptom and Performance Validity Testing in Their Reports: Room for Improvement
Prevalence and correlates of handgun carrying and perceived ease of access among adolescents in Florida
Enhancing the moral space offered by critical dialogue: negotiating shared goals and target-centred virtue ethics
Coolants, organic acids, flavourings and other additives that facilitate inhalation of tobacco and nicotine products: implications for regulation
Election reform and campaign finance: Did Alaska’s top 4 nonpartisan primaries and ranked‐choice general elections affect political spending?
Cost-effectiveness of the ‘Stay One Step Ahead Home Safety programme for the prevention of injuries among children under 5 years
Physical and emotional status, quality of life and activities of daily living in terminal cancer: prospective cohort study
General practice preconception care invitations: a qualitative study of womens acceptability and preferences
A post-abortion contraception text-and-call service to support patients to access effective contraception after telemedicine abortion