Prevalence and associated factors of mental health problems among monogamous Chinese female patients with sexually transmitted diseases in Hong Kong
Understanding the role of age in HIV disclosure rates and patterns for HIV-infected children in southwestern Uganda
The impact of HIV-related stigma on older and younger adults living with HIV disease: does age matter?
The Effect of Rumination and Reappraisal on Social Anxiety Symptoms During Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder
Increased reaction time variability in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as a response-related phenomenon: evidence from single-trial event-related potentials
Joint trajectories of bullying and peer victimization across elementary and middle school and associations with symptoms of psychopathology.
Emergence of mixed-sex friendship groups during adolescence: Developmental associations with substance use and delinquency.
Poverty, caregiver depression and stress as predictors of children’s externalizing behaviours in a low-income sample
Developing student character through disciplinary curricula: an analysis of UK QAA subject benchmark statements
The effect of the total quality management on organizational innovation in higher education mediated by organizational learning
Generic skills for graduate accountants: the bigger picture, a social and economic imperative in the new knowledge economy
Integrating a project monitoring system into a public health network: Experiences from Alive & Thrive Vietnam
Factors facilitating and constraining the scaling up of an evidence-based strategy of community-based primary care: Management perspectives from northern Ghana
Social barriers to diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in patients presenting at a teaching hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria
Cost-effectiveness model for hepatitis C screening and treatment: Implications for Egypt and other countries with high prevalence
Place-based economic development: examining the relationship between the US Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and farmers markets in Mississippi
Impact of food support on food security and body weight among HIV antiretroviral therapy recipients in Honduras: a pilot intervention trial
Male circumcision, alcohol use and unprotected sex among patrons of bars and taverns in rural areas of north-west province, South Africa
Successes and gaps in uptake of regular, voluntary HIV testing for hidden street- and off-street sex workers in Vancouver, Canada
Unconscious emotion regulation: Nonconscious reappraisal decreases emotion-related physiological reactivity during frustration
Maintaining well-being and selfhood through physical activity: experiences of people with mild Alzheimer’s disease
Association between depressive symptoms and age, sex, loneliness and treatment among older people in Sweden
Association of quality of life with laboratory measurements and lifestyle factors in community dwelling older people in Taiwan
Protecting victims of elder financial exploitation: the role of an Elder Abuse Forensic Center in referring victims for conservatorship
‘Teachers’ to ‘academics’: the implementation of a modernisation project at one UK post-92 university
Curriculum mapping as deliberation – examining the alignment of subject learning outcomes and course curricula
Influence of multiculturalism on the study programs in Malaysian public universities: international students’ perceptions