“We need somewhere to smoke crack”: an ethnographic study of an unsanctioned safer smoking room in vancouver, canada
Response to Kawada: C-reactive protein, depressive symptoms and incident diabetes mellitus with special emphasis on physical activity
Exploration of the telescoping effect among not-in-treatment, intensive heroin-using research volunteers
The developmental origins of personality factors from the self-definitional and relatedness domains: A review of theory and research.
The Multisystemic and Multilevel Investigation of the Expanded Therapeutic Alliance-Psychological Functioning Relationship in Individual Therapy
Between the bench, the bedside and the office: The need to build bridges between working neuroscientists and ethicists Thumbnail
An evaluation of time in establishing operation on the effectiveness of functional communication training
Challenges and opportunities in using wastewater analysis to measure drug use in a small prison facility
The Environmental Consequences of Rural and Urban Population Change: An Exploratory Spatial Panel Study of Forest Cover in the Southern United States, 2001–2006
Budgie smuggling or doing bird? Human-animal interactions in carceral space: prison(er) animals as abject and subject
The structural influence of family and parenting on young people’s sexual and reproductive health in rural northern Tanzania
Children with multiple stays at Nordic refuges for abused women: conclusions, challenges, and causes for concern
Innovations in using virtual reality to study how children cross streets in traffic: evidence for evasive action skills
Views and experiences of using integrated care pathways (ICPs) for caring for people in the last days to hours of life: results from a cross-sectional survey of UK professionals
Does teaching children to swim increase exposure to water or risk-taking when in the water? Emerging evidence from Bangladesh
Implications of Changes in Households and Living Arrangements for Future Home-Based Care Needs and Costs for Disabled Elders in China
Toward the early recognition of psychosis among Spanish-speaking adults on both sides of the U.S.–Mexico border.
Need for nutritional support, eating-related distress and experience of terminally ill patients with cancer: a survey in an inpatient hospice
Hispanic use of juramentos and Roman Catholic Priests as auxiliaries to abstaining from alcohol use/misuse