Empowerment in the Process of Health Messaging for Rural Low-Income Mothers: An Exploratory Message Design Project
Latino Immigrants’ Biological Parents’ Histories of Substance Use Problems in Their Country of Origin Predict Their Pre- and Post-Immigration Alcohol Use Problems
The Relation Between Moment-to-Moment Mindful Attention and Anxiety Among Young Adults in Substance Use Treatment
The perceived value of team players: a longitudinal study of how group identification affects status in work groups
Empathy and motivation for justice: Cognitive empathy and concern, but not emotional empathy, predict sensitivity to injustice for others
Reduced mu suppression and altered motor resonance in euthymic bipolar disorder: Evidence for a dysfunctional mirror system?
Left hemisphere EEG coherence in infancy predicts infant declarative pointing and preschool epistemic language
‘The white blood cell always eat the red’: how Jamaicans with sickle cell disease understand their illness
Respecting the circle of life: one year outcomes from a randomized controlled comparison of an HIV risk reduction intervention for American Indian adolescents
Substance-use and sexual harm reduction strategies of methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men and inject drugs
Archetypal imagery and the spiritual self: techniques for coaches and therapists, by Annabelle Nelson, London and Philadelphia, Singing Dragon, 2014, 206pp., £15.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-84819-220-1
Mindfulness and the arts therapies: theory and practice, edited by Laury Rappaport, Foreword by Jakusho Kwong-Roshi, London and Philadelphia, Jessica Kingsley, 2013, 352 pages, £19.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-84905-9091
Self-identity after brain injury, by Tamara Ownsworth, East Sussex and New York, Psychology Press, 2014, 228 pp., £100.00 (hardback) ISBN 978-1-84872-109-8
Assessment and outcomes in the arts therapies: a person-centred approach, edited by Caroline Miller, London and Philadelphia, USA, Jessica Kingsley, 2014, 246 pp., £22.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-84905-414-0
Dramatherapy with myth and fairytale. The golden stories of Sesame, by Jenny Pearson, Mary Smail and Pat Watts, London and Philadelphia, Jessica Kingsley, 2013, 238 pp., £22.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-84905-030-2
Contentious politics, grassroots mobilization and the Icesave dispute: Why Iceland did not "play nicely"
Fixing the Problem With Empathy: Development and Validation of the Affective and Cognitive Measure of Empathy
Diet-related determinants of childhood obesity in urban settings: a comparison between Shanghai and New York
Diversion of opioid maintenance treatment medications and predictors for diversion among Finnish maintenance treatment patients
Clinical Predictors of Response to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: The Genes for Treatment (GxT) Study
Racial/ethnic differences in trends in heroin use and heroin-related risk behaviors among nonmedical prescription opioid users
Reduced Frontal Cortical Thickness and Increased Caudate Volume within Fronto-Striatal Circuits in Young Adult Smokers