A menu for learning: a World Café approach for user involvement and inter-professional learning on mental health
Adult age differences in memory for schema-consistent and schema-inconsistent objects in a real-world setting
Enhancing early childhood schooling of South Asian children in Hong Kong: beliefs and perceptions of kindergarten teachers and principals
Linkages between mothers’ job stressors and adolescents’ perceptions of the mother–child relationship in the context of weak versus strong support networks
HIV-related stigma in a New York City sample of adults in outpatient care for HIV infection: a short report
The PMLD ambiguity: articulating the life-worlds of children with profound and multiple learning disabilities
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: interdisciplinary perspectives, edited by B. Carpenter, C. Blackburn and J. Egerton, Abingdon, Routledge, 2014, 328 pp., £34.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-415-67016-6
Social and emotional education in primary school: integrating theory and research into practice, by C. Cefai and V. Cavioni, London, Springer, 2014, 181 pp., £90 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-4614-8751-7, £70 (ebook)
Assessing the factor structure of well-being in older adults: findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study
Childhood trauma and resilience in old age: applying a context model of resilience to a sample of former indentured child laborers
Occupational class differences in later life hospital use by women who survived to age 80: the Renfrew and Paisley prospective cohort study
The New American Zionism By Theodore Sasson New York University Press. 2014. 229 pp. $39 cloth, $24 paper
Validation of a simple tool to assess risk of waterpipe tobacco smoking among sixth and seventh graders in Lebanon
Towards subsidized malaria rapid diagnostic tests. Lessons learned from the global subsidy of artemisinin-based combination therapies: a review.
The effects of calorie labels on those at high-risk of eating pathologies: a pre-post intervention study in a University cafeteria
Financial burden on the families of patients with hepatitis B virus-related liver diseases and the role of public health insurance in Yunnan province of China
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of food allergies among food handlers in the state of Penang, Malaysia
What Matters to Patients with Heart Failure? The Influence of Non Health-Related Goals on Patient Adherence to Self-care Management
Patient led goal setting in chronic low back pain- what goals are important to the patient and are they aligned to what we measure?
Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Patients with Heart Failure and Depressive Symptoms: A Proof of Concept Study
An international perspective on using opioid substitution treatment to improve hepatitis C prevention and care for people who inject drugs: structural barriers and public health potential
Integrating frequency and magnitude information in decision-making in schizophrenia: An account of patient performance on the Iowa Gambling Task
Alexithymia level and response to computer-based training in cognitive behavioral therapy among cocaine-dependent methadone maintained individuals
Measurement of Multiple Nicotine Dependence Domains Among Cigarette, Non-cigarette and Poly-tobacco Users: Insights from Item Response Theory
Problems, Coping, and Efficacy: An Exploration of Subjective Distress in Orphans Placed in Ghanaian Orphanages
Prevalence and determinants of need for formal parenting support among parents raising a child with a borderline to mild intellectual disability
Power relationships and the formulation of anti-poverty policies in emerging countries: the case of Palestine
A Preliminary Investigation Into Teacher Perceptions of the Barriers to Behavior Intervention Implementation
Is EMDR an effective treatment for people diagnosed with both intellectual disability and post-traumatic stress disorder?
Research–Practice Partnerships to Support the Development of High Quality Mathematics Instruction for All Students