The Mental and Physical Health Consequences of Changes in Private Insurance Before and After Early Retirement
Errors of commission and omission in novice group counseling trainees’ knowledge structures of group counseling situations.
A cross-sectional analysis of the association between perceived network social control and telomere length.
The mutism of the mind: child and family therapists at work with children and families suffering with selective mutism
Social network analysis in the science of groups: Cross-sectional and longitudinal applications for studying intra- and intergroup behavior.
Expression of executive control in situational context: Effects of facilitating versus restraining cues on snack food consumption.
VA PTSD clinic director perspectives: How perceptions of readiness influence delivery of evidence-based PTSD treatment.
Resisting the binarism of victim and agent: Critical reflections on 20 years of scholarship on young women and heterosexual practices in South African contexts
Outdoor activities and depressive symptoms in displaced older adults following natural disaster: community cohesion as mediator and moderator
Validation of the Arabic Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (A-RUDAS) in elderly with mild and moderate dementia
Memory for Allergies and Health Foods: How Younger and Older Adults Strategically Remember Critical Health Information
The Reunification Partnership: Engaging Birth Parents and Foster Carers as Collaborators in Restoration Casework
Self-building safe havens in a post-service landscape: how adults with learning disabilities are reclaiming the welcoming communities agenda
A randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: An effective treatment for comorbid insomnia and depression.
Fairness heuristics and substitutability effects: Inferring the fairness of outcomes, procedures, and interpersonal treatment when employees lack clear information.
Consequences of Interpersonal Spin on Couple-Relevant Goal Progress and Relationship Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships.
Mobile eye tracking reveals little evidence for age differences in attentional selection for mood regulation.
Age-Related Changes in Temporal Allocation of Visual Attention: Evidence From the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) Paradigm
What Can Parents Do? A Review of State Laws Regarding Decision Making for Adolescent Drug Abuse and Mental Health Treatment
From Persecution to Depression: A Case of Chronic Depression—Associating the Rorschach, the TAT, and Winnicott
After “Don’t ask don’t tell”: Competent care of lesbian, gay and bisexual military personnel during the DoD policy transition.
Emotion regulation difficulties and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom cluster severity among trauma-exposed college students.