The impacts of marijuana dispensary density and neighborhood ecology on marijuana abuse and dependence
Genetic Variation , Medication (Combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy vs. Varenicline) and Smoking Cessation
Stigma Management of Mental Illness: Effects of Concealment, Discrimination, and Identification on Well-Being
Body checking, body avoidance, and the core cognitive psychopathology of eating disorders: is there a unique relationship?
Genetically determined prospect to become long-lived is associated with less abdominal fat and in particular less abdominal visceral fat in men
Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Young Adults: Connections to Gender Role Identity, Gender-Typed Activities, and Religiosity
Symptoms of health anxiety in obsessive–compulsive disorder: Relationship with treatment outcome and metacognition
Minority participation in a major residential and intensive outpatient program for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Effects of Defending: The Longitudinal Relations Among Peer-perceived Defending of Victimized Peers, Victimization, and Liking
Trajectories of Scores on a Screening Instrument for PTSD Among World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery, and Clean-Up Workers
Evaluation of the factor structure of the Child Obsessive–Compulsive Impact Scale – Revised (COIS-R) in Scandinavia with confirmatory factor analysis
Exposure to emotionally arousing, contamination-relevant pictorial stimuli interferes with response inhibition: Implication for obsessive–compulsive disorder
Lost in the ‘third space’: the impact of public engagement in higher education on academic identity, research practice and career progression
Non-Citizen Mexican Youth in U.S. Higher Education: A Closer Look at the Relationship Between State Tuition Policies and College Enrollment
Treatment and 12-month outcome of children and adolescents with obsessive–compulsive disorder: A naturalistic study
Authentic representations or stereotyped ‘outliers’: using the CARS2 to assess film portrayals of Autism Spectrum Disorders
The direct way may not be the best way: Children with ADHD and their understanding of self-presentation in social interactions
The impact of contextual family risks on prisoners’ children’s behavioural outcomes and the potential protective role of family functioning moderators
Maternal distress during pregnancy and language development in preschool age: A population-based cohort study
Data and Evaluation Strategies to Support Parent Engagement Programs: Learnings from an Evaluation of Parent University